October 12, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening Exercises:
I.A. Call to Order and roll-call recording of members present and absent
I.B. Flag Salute
II. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
II.A. Approval of the agenda
II.B. Vote to approve Minutes of the following Board meeting:
II.B.1. September 14, 2020, Regular Board Meeting
II.B.2. September 21, 2020, Special Board Meeting
II.C. Vote to approve Blanket Position Salary Reserves Report for FY 2020-2021.
II.D. Vote to approve the following sanctioning applications from school activity funds for FY 2020-2021:
Cleveland Bailey Elementary PTA, Soldier Creek Elementary Natural Notes, Carl Albert Middle School Band Parents Club, Carl Albert Middle School Cheer, Carl Albert High School Pom Booster Club, Carl Albert High School Softball Booster Club, Carl Albert High School Homerun Club, Carl Albert High School Cheer Booster Club, Carl Albert High School Soccer Booster, Carl Albert High School Band Booster, INC, Carl Albert High School FFA Booster Club, Carl Albert High School Quarterback, Carl Albert High School Tip In Club, Del City High School Basketball Tip In Club, Midwest City High School Bombers Volleyball, Midwest City High School Bomber Sideline Club, and Midwest City High School Lady Bomber Pride Basketball Booster Club.
II.E. Monthly Financial and Investment Report for month ending September 30, 2020:
II.E.1. Treasurer’s Report and Investment Report
II.E.2. Encumbrances
II.E.3. Warrant Register
II.E.4. Lease Revenue
II.F. Vote to approve School Activity Funds:
II.F.1. Addenda
II.F.2. Transfers within Bank
II.G. Vote to approve the 2020-2021 District Professional Development Committee.
II.H. Vote to approve out-of-state or overnight travel requests:
1. Carl Albert High School Boys' Basketball to participate in the Arvest/Conoco Phillips Basketball Tournament in Bartlesville, OK, on January 7-9, 2021. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 909, Boys' Basketball, Sanctioned Organization Funds, personal funds and donations. 2. Carl Albert High School Boys' Basketball to participate in the OSSAA State Basketball Tournament in Tulsa, OK, on March 11-13, 2021. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 909, Boys' Basketball, Sanctioned Organization Funds, personal funds and donations. 3. Midwest City High School Baseball Team to participate in a Spring Break Baseball Tournament in Broken Bow, OK, on March 14-18, 2021 Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Codes 864 and/or 865, Athletics; Sanctioned Organization Funds; personal funds and donations. 4. Del City High School Boys' Basketball to participate in the Elite 14 Scrimmage in Wichita Falls, TX, on November 7, 2020. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Codes 865 and 909; Sanctioned Organization Funds; personal funds and donations. 5. Del City High School Girls' Basketball to participate in the Girls' Basketball Tournament in Bartlesville, OK, on January 7-9, 2021. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 865, Sanctioned Organization Funds, personal funds and donations.
III. Information
III.A. Public Participation
Persons who address the Board during the public participation portion of the regular Board meeting must meet the following qualifications:
III.B. Superintendent’s Report - Dr. Cobb
III.C. 2018-2019 Dropout Report - Dr. Broiles
IV. Vote to approve or not approve the 2020-2021 Commencement Exercises to be held at the Jim Norick Arena located at State Fair Park on May 22, 2021, at the following times: - Dr. Broiles
Midwest City High School 10:00 a.m. Carl Albert High School 2:00 p.m. Del City High School 6:00 p.m.
V. Discussion and possible Board action to appoint a Board member to serve as Mid-Del Foundation representative. - Mr. Porter
VI. Vote to approve or not approve an Instructional Coach Agreement between Marla Houck and Destiny Christian School for a total cost of $20,000.00 for the 2020-2021 school year using their Title II, Project Code 541 funds. - Dr. Ehrich
VII. Vote to approve or not approve the purchase of 1,380 Targus notebook carrying cases from SHI in the amount of $24,150.00. This purchase is included in the Technology Solutions, Products and Services (TIPS) Contract #200105. - Dr. Ehrich
VIII. Vote to approve or not approve contracts between Mid-Del Public Schools, Luther Public Schools and Crutcho Public Schools for IEP Service Agreements for transfer students attending Mid-Del for the 2020-2021 school year. These contracts allow transfer students to receive services from Mid-Del while billing Luther and Crutcho Public Schools for these services. - Mrs. Cypert
IX. Vote to approve or not approve resolution authorizing the modification to signers on our Bank accounts. - Ms. Medcalf
X. Vote to approve or not approve video conference upgrades to Mid-Del Technology Center Conference Rooms A, B and C, including installation and training, for a total amount of $128,543.50 to be paid from MDTC Building Fund 23, Project Code 032. - Mr. Mendenhall
XI. Vote to approve or not approve Thompson Educational Furnishings for procurement of furniture and equipment for use in the Manning Center New Team Room as part of the "Kalsu Stadium Improvement" project at Del City High School. The total cost of the project is $21,605.00 to be paid from Bond Fund 35, Lease Revenue 08. Unit pricing per Oklahoma Purchasing Contract #R-16000-16. - Mr. Bryan
XII. Vote to approve or not approve York Electronic Systems, Inc. for emergency procurement of two new Carehawk CH1000LT intercom equipment packages, including installation, to replace critically damaged head end systems at Barnes Elementary and Pleasant Hill Elementary. The cost per site is $10,866.66 and $11,767.14, respectively, for a total project cost of $22,633.80 to be paid from Building Fund 21. - Mr. Bryan
XIII. Vote to approve or not approve Holland Backhoe, Inc. for emergency services to cap and relocate a damaged fire line and hydrant at the Mid-Del Technology Center. The total cost of the project is $47,525.00 to be paid from Mid-Del Technology Center Fund 23, Building Fund 21 and Bond Fund 34. - Mr. Bryan
XIV. Human Resources
XIV.A. Vote to approve or not approve all actions recommended in the Human Resources Reports: - Dr. Perez
XIV.B. Vote to approve or not approve deregulation of planning period for Myla Wagner, Carl Albert High School for 2020-2021. - Dr. Perez
XV. New Business
Item(s) that could not have been foreseen or known about at the time the agenda was posted which need action at this Board meeting. |
XVI. Adjourn
This agenda was posted at the Board of Education Center, 7217 S.E. 15 Street, Midwest City, Oklahoma, on October 8, 2020, at 10:30 A.M., in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2020. |