April 13, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Special Virtual Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening Exercises:
I.A. Call to Order and roll-call recording of members present and absent
I.B. Flag Salute
II. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
II.A. Approval of the agenda
II.B. Vote to approve Minutes of the following Board meeting:
II.B.1. March 9, 2020, Regular Board Meeting
II.B.2. March 26, 2020, Special Board Meeting
II.B.3. April 7, 2020, Special Board Meeting
II.C. Vote to approve the following items:
II.C.1. Monthly Financial and Investment Report for month ending March 31, 2020:
II.C.1.a. Treasurer’s Report
II.C.1.b. Encumbrances
II.C.1.c. Warrant Register
II.C.1.d. Lease Revenue
II.C.2. School Activity Funds
II.C.2.a. Transfers within Bank
II.C.2.b. Addendum
II.C.3. Blanket Salary Reserves Report FY 2019-2020
II.D. Vote to approve out-of-state or overnight travel requests:
1. Carrie Newnam and Jerrica Real, Administration, to attend the PowerSchool University training in Anaheim, CA, June 27- July 3, 2020. Expenses to be paid by Technology, Project Code 044.
III. Vote to approve or not approve a Resolution authorizing the sale of the District’s General Obligation Combined Purpose Bonds, Series 2020, and setting forth the following items: - Mr. Zack Robinson
IV. Vote to approve or not approve a Resolution authorizing the sale of the District’s General Obligation Building Bonds, Federally Taxable Series 2020, and setting forth the following items: - Mr. Zack Robinson
Board decided not to take a vote.
V. Consider bids and select a paying agent/registrar for the proposed General Obligation Bonds. - Mr. Zack Robinson
VI. Vote to approve or not approve purchase of the Lit Camp Summer School Curriculum for grades K-5 from Scholastic Literacy Initiatives. The total cost for the curriculum is $17,187.12 to be paid by Title I Part A, Project Code 511 funds. - Mrs. Dunn
VII. Vote to approve or not approve to purchase tools for use in the Auto Collision and Auto Service Repair Programs for Mid-Del Technology Center from Snap On Tools using State Contract #SW0818 for a total amount of $52,687.73 to be paid from MDTC Building Fund 23, Project Code 032 and/or MDTC Co-Op Fund 12, Project Code 032. - Mr. Mendenhall
VIII. Vote to approve or not approve Chickasaw Telecom, Inc. for installation of technology integration equipment/software packages, as part of the "Classroom Addition" projects at the newly expanded Carl Albert Middle School, Del City Middle School and Midwest City Middle School sites. The cost per site is $65,991.27, $99,168.91 and $99,168.91, respectively, for a total project cost of $264,329.09. Unit pricing per contracts: ONENet Cisco #C1402, ONEnet Juniper #C1202 and OSF# ITSW1006. Expenditures to be paid from Bond Fund 35, Lease Revenue 08. - Mr. Shelden
IX. Vote to approve or not approve GMP Amendment #30 to the construction management contract with CMSWillowbrook on the following construction project: - Mr. Bryan
Amendment #30: New Tennis Courts project @ Carl Albert Middle School CMSWillowbrook = (GMP Amount) $39,688.17 + (Pre-con Fee Total) $297 .66 = (GT) $39,985.83 to be paid from Bond Fund 35, Lease Revenue 08.
X. Human Resources
X.A. Vote to approve or not approve all actions recommended in the Human Resources Reports: - Dr. Perez
X.B. Vote to approve or not approve Mid-Del Technology Center continuing contracts for re-employment of certified staff for FY 2020-2021, pursuant to Title 25, Section 307 (B)(1) of the Oklahoma Statutes. - Dr. Perez
XI. Adjourn
This agenda was posted at the Board of Education Center, 7217 S.E. 15 Street, Midwest City, Oklahoma, on April 9, 2020, at 2:40 P.M., in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The next Special Board Meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2020. |