March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of Adair Board of Education
Agenda |
Pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Call meeting to order and roll call.
Recognition of visitors.
Board to consider and take possible action, in the absence of the President and/or Clerk, to appoint an acting President and/or acting Clerk for the School District to execute any and all documents pertaining to the bond sale.
Board to receive bids for the $705,000 Building Bonds of this School District and take action to award bonds to the lowest bidder.
Board to consider and take action on a resolution providing for the issuance of building bonds in the sum of $705,000 by this school district, authorized at an election called and held for such purpose; prescribing form of bonds; providing for registration thereof; designating registrar and paying agent for this issue of bonds; providing for levy of an annual tax for the payment of principal and interest on the same; and fixing other details of issue.
Board to consider and take action on a resolution designating the general obligation bonds of 2025 as “Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations” pursuant to Section 265(b)(3)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Presentation of FY 24 audit by Kerry Patten with Patten & Odom, CPSs. PLLC, school auditor.
Board to consider acceptance and approval of the FY 24 audit as prepared and presented by Patten & Odom, CPAs, PLLC
Board to consider and take action on retaining the services of Patten & Odom, CPAs, PLLC as the auditor in FY 2026 for the 2024-2025 school records.
Public Participation: Five minute limit per individual with a thirty minute total limit set aside at the start of the meeting. Only items on the agenda may be addressed.
Board to consider approval of the minutes of the special meeting on February 28, 2025.
Consent Agenda:
Minutes of the previous regular meeting.
Activity Fund Reports.
Treasurer's Report.
FY 25 General Fund encumbrances as presented.
FY 25 Building Fund encumbrances as presented.
Set the April 1st student capacity.
Board to consider approval of amended school calendar for FY 25.
Approve an additional 5 days for student activity absences as recommended by the activities committee.
Board to consider and take action to declare band items as surplus.
High School Principal
Middle School Principal
Elementary School Principal
New Business