February 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Byng Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call of members.
2. Reading and approval of the January 13, 2025 Regular Board Meeting minutes as presented.
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Take action on:
General Fund Purchase Order No. 886-964 with total expenditure of $100,216,.15 Building Fund Purchase Order No.64-71 with total expenditure of $23,276.97 General Fund Payroll Purchase Order No. 50309 with total expenditure of $29,544.87 All Payroll Change Orders. |
3.B. Take action on the January investment report.
3.C. Take action to approve transfers within the Activity Fund.
3.D. Take action to approve Byng Junior High and High School Competitive Cheerleading Handbook and Code of Conduct for 2025-2026.
3.E. Take action to approve Golf banquet fundraiser.
3.F. Take action on out-of-state travel for Mr. Thompson's aviation students to the Verticon conference in Dallas, TX.
4. Discussion and possible action on the school calendar for 2025-2026.
5. Discission and possible action to approve Parent Square as a school approved platform for communications.
6. Take action on resignation(s) received to date.
7. Vote to convene or not to convene into Executive Session to discuss employment of Tristen Lackey - certified teacher for FY25, Staci Capps - assistant superintendent for FY26 and to discuss whether or not to accept the resignation of Reneay Smith. 25 O.S. §307(b)(1)&(7).
8. Acknowledge the board's return to open session.
9. Executive session minutes compliance announcement.
10. Take action on employment of Tristen Lackey - certified teacher for FY25.
11. Take action to rehire Staci Capps as assistant superintendent for FY26.
12. Discussion and vote to accept or reject the resignation agreement with Reneay Smith and authorize the board president and board clerk to execute the resignation agreement.
13. Discussion and possible action to approve Mandy Johnson as part-time custodian.
14. Discussion and possible action on $5000.00 stipend for National Board Certified personnel Lauren Carpenter, Savannah Daniel, and Mia Holcomb.
15. Maintenance report.
16. Bond update.
17. Superintendent's reports.
18. New Business.
19. Vote to adjourn.