March 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Meeting Called to Order
I.B. Establishment of a Quorum
I.C. Invocation
I.D. Agenda Posted
I.E. Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2025, special board meeting- vote to approve/disapprove
I.F. Presentation of Annual Audit - vote to accept/reject
II. Approval Docket
The following Superintendent’s recommendations which concern items of a routine and/or continuing nature will be approved/disapproved by one vote unless any Board Member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The approval docket consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval/disapproval of the following items:
II.A. Income/Expense Reports - approve
II.B. Treasurer's Report - approve
II.C. General Fund
II.C.1. Encumbrances 21308 - 21439 & 50176 - 50181 - approve
II.D. Building Fund
II.D.1. Encumbrances - approve
II.E. Activity Fund- approve
II.F. Transfer Refund Account Balance to General Fund- approve
II.G. Amend 2024-2025 School Calendar - approve
II.H. Declare surplus items built by the carpentry program to include: two(2)-8x12 storage buildings, two(2)-8x10 covered dog kennels, one(1)-8x10 chicken covered chicken coop, one(1)-8ft gazebo, one(1)-6ft gazebo and one(1)-12x18 green house and dispose of in a commercially reasonable manner - approve
II.I. Resignation Amy Woods, Teacher Assistant - approve
II.J. BIS Instructors and Part-time Employees- approve
III. Superintendent's Report
III.A. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve a Software License and Support Agreement with ADPC FY2025-2026 - vote to approve/disapprove
III.B. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve an agreement with EES for Teacher Evaluations FY2025-2026 - vote to approve/disapprove
III.C. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve a sick leave sharing request from Lorie Curry - vote to approve/disapprove
III.D. Motion, discussion, and possible vote to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with OkACTE and ACTE for the purpose of positional memberships FY2025-26 - vote to approve/disapprove
III.E. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve the purchase and installation of a Drive on 4-post Vehicle Lift 14,000 lbs. with Bridge Jacks and Drain Pan for the Facility Maintenance Program - vote to approve/disapprove
III.F. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve a 20" Advance Stand-On Autoscrubber SC1500R Ecoflex for Housekeeping - vote to approve/disapprove
III.G. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve the purchase of a Single Shoe Electric Conduit Bender for the Electrical Trades Program - vote to approve/disapprove
III.H. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve purchasing a Basic Mechanical Drives Training System 970-ME1 for Industrial Automation Program - vote to approve/disapprove
III.I. Motion, discussion, and possible action to approve the purchase of one (1) surveillance server for new cameras - vote to approve/disapprove
III.J. Motion, discussion, and possible action to approve the purchase of one (1) 12-megapixel Fisheye camera, twor (2) 24-megapixel 3-lens cameras, one (1) 8-megapixel bullet camera, five (5) 5-megapixel dome cameras, four (4) camera licenses, one-thousand, four hundred (1,400) ID Badges, license upgrades for physical access control, and license upgrades for surveillance. vote to approve/disapprove
III.K. Motion, discussion, and possible action to approve the purchase of eight (8) Staff Desktops, three (3) Staff Workstations, two (2) Staff Workstation Laptops, twenty-nine (29) Staff Laptops, four (4) Laptops for Carpentry, nineteen (19) Laptops for Cyber, twenty-eight (28) 24” Monitors for PRO and Staff, three (3) 34” curved monitors for Finance, eight (8) 65” TVs with accessories for Front Offices and PRO signage, two (2) 85” TVs with accessories Front Office and meeting room, two (2) 43” TVs with accessories for Deputy, eight (8) paging clocks with mounts for Equine Bldg and HCE, and twenty (20) Access Points. - vote to approve/disapprove
III.L. Motion, discussion, and possible action to approve the purchase of equipment and installation services for audio capabilities in the new reception hall in the Administration Building - vote to approve/disapprove
III.M. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve remodeling Room 500 Seminar Center in the Health Building into classrooms and a lab - vote to approve/disapprove
III.N. Motion, discussion and possible board action to modify the Supervisor Salary Schedule effective April 1, 2025. - vote to approve/disapprove
III.O. Motion, discussion and possible board action to reassign Dallas Krout from Director of Student Services to Assistant Superintendent effective March 11, 2025 and FY2025-26 - vote to approve/disapprove
III.P. Reassign Michael Gustafson from Admissions Coordinator to Director of Student Services effective April 1, 2025 and FY2025-2026- vote to approve/disapprove
III.Q. Motion, discussion and possible board action to reassign Parker Murphy from Building Maintenance to Maintenance Supervisor effective April 1, 2025 - vote to approve/disapprove
III.R. Discussion concerning Building Fund Millage
III.S. Discussion concerning Board Member Financial Disclosure Statements
III.T. National Technical Honor Society Induction - March 27, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m. - Conference Room at MATC
IV. Positions to Fill:
IV.A. Admissions Coordinator
IV.B. Part-time Food Service Assistant - approve
IV.C. Teacher Assistant
IV.D. Retail and Dining Assistant Instructor
V. Conventions and Workshops:
V.A. ACTE National Policy Seminar - March 16-19, 2025 - Arlington, VA
V.B. Spring Pace Conference - April 8-10, 2025 - Afton, OK
V.C. HOSA State Leadership Conference - April 14-16, 2025 - Norman, OK
V.D. ATI Summit - April 22-25, 2025 - Orlando, FL
V.E. ACTE Regional IV Meeting - April 23-25, 2025 - Oklahoma City, OK
V.F. Skills State Conference - April 27-29, 2025 - Tulsa, OK
V.G. 2025 HealthEd Summit - May 27-30, 2025 - Broken Bow, OK
V.H. SREB TCTW MSW - July 14-18, 2025 - New Orleans, LA
VI. Next Board Meeting - April 14, 2025 - 6:30 p.m.
VII. New Business:
In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes, Title 25, Section 311 (1)(9), new business is limited to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting this agenda.
VIII. Adjournment