December 9, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Meeting Called to Order
I.B. Establishment of a Quorum
I.C. Invocation
I.D. Discussion and reports on ACTE Career Tech Vision Conference in San Antonio, TX and Butler Tech visit in Hamilton, OH
I.E. Agenda Posted
I.F. Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the November 11, 2024, regular board meeting- vote to approve/disapprove
II. Approval Docket
The following Superintendent’s recommendations which concern items of a routine and/or continuing nature will be approved/disapproved by one vote unless any Board Member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The approval docket consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval/disapproval of the following items:
II.A. Income/Expense Reports - approve
II.B. Treasurer's Report - approve
II.C. General Fund
II.C.1. Encumbrances 20915 - 21018 and 50168 - 50173 approve
II.D. Building Fund
II.D.1. Encumbrances - approve
II.E. Activity Fund- approve
II.F. Transfer Refund Account Balance to General Fund- approve
II.G. Accreditation Report FY2024-2025 - approve
II.H. Resignation Mike Hancock of the Mid-America Technology Center School Board as of December 31, 2024 - vote to approve
II.I. BIS Instructors and Part-time Employees- approve
III. Election of the Board of Education Officers
III.A. Discussion and possible action to approve the election of Board President as of January 1, 2025 - vote to approve
III.B. Discussion and possible action to approve the election of Board Vice-President as of January 1, 2025- vote to approve
III.C. Discussion and possible action to approve the election of Board Clerk as of January 1, 2025- vote to approve
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve a Memo of Understanding with OSBI to house their agents - vote to approve/disapprove
IV.B. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve Mid-America Technology Center Freedom of Expression Policy - vote to approve/disapprove
IV.C. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve a lease agreement with TREK Coffee Co. beginning January 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2025 - vote to approve/disapprove
IV.D. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve the purchase of (4) four 30" Pedestrian Crossing Flashing Solar LED Edge Lit Signs - vote to approve/disapprove
IV.E. Motion, discussion and possible action to purchase a Reach-in Refrigerator:Artic Air Model No.AGR49 and Reach-In Freezer: Arctic Air Model No. AF23 for Retail and Dining Assistant Program - vote to approve/disapprove
IV.F. Motion, discussion, and possible action to approve the purchase of one (1) laptop with accessories and one (1) projector with accessories for the Retail Assistant Program - vote to approve/disapprove
IV.G. Capital Improvement Project Update
V. Positions to Fill:
V.A. Housekeepers (2)
V.B. Maintenance - approve
V.C. Deputy Superintendent
VI. Conventions and Workshops:
VI.A. Oklahoma Open Meeting & Open Records Seminar - December 16, 2024 - Oklahoma City, OK
VII. New Business:
In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes, Title 25, Section 311 (1)(9), new business is limited to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting this agenda.
VIII. Next Board Meeting - January 13, 2025 - 6:30 p.m.
IX. Adjournment