August 8, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting of Whitebead Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to order and recording of members present and absent.
2. Introduction of guests: Alicia Groves
3. Consent Agenda: The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
3.a. a. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on July 11, 2022.
3.b. b. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting on July 26, 2022.
4. Proposed executive session to discuss hiring two teacher assistant's and an adjunct, teacher, 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1).
5. Vote to convene or not to convene into executive session.
6. Acknowledge Board's return to open session.
7. Executive session minutes compliance announcement.
8. Discuss and possible action to hire a Teacher Assistant on a one-year temporary contract for the FY23 school year.
9. Discuss and possible action to hire a Teacher Assistant on a one-year temporary contract for the Fy23 school year.
10. Discuss and possibly action to hire an adjunct teacher on a one-year temporary contract for the FY23 school year.
11. Discuss and possible action to approve Chelsea Bray Hatton as the Activity Fund clerk for the FY23 School.
12. Discuss and possible action to approve Chelsea Bray Hatton and Shea Thompson as the authorized person to co-sign checks for the Activity Fund for the FY23 School.
13. Discuss and possible action to approve Lori Prewitt as the authorized person to sign purchase orders for the FY23 School for the Activity Fund.
14. Discuss and possible action to be members of OSSBA for the FY223 school year.
15. Discuss and possible action to vote to approve contracting with ADTI for FY23.
16. Discuss and possible action to approve the following accounts and subactivity accounts for the Activity fund: SEE "EXHIBIT A" Attachment.
17. Discuss and possible action to approve the following sub activity accounts with the listed fundraisers and purpose for expenditures:
Athletic Booster Club The funds will be used to improve the softball field equipment Fundraiser will be with Hurts Donuts. |
18. Discuss and possible action on the monthly financial report of Activity, General, Cooperative, Building and Child Nutrition funds.
19. Discuss and possible action to vote to approve Activity Fund purchase order encumbrances 1 through 2.
20. Discuss and possible action toe action to vote to approve General Fund purchase order encumbrances 48 through 87.
21. Discuss and possibly vote to approve General Fund payroll encumbrances 70001 through 70014.
22. Discuss and possible action to vote to approve Building Fund purchase order encumbrances 12 through 13.
23. Discuss and possible action to approve a grant for the Whitebead Softball Team, applying with Walm-Mart through cybergrants for a pitching machine.
24. Discuss and possible action to accept the resignation from Sherrie Smith.
25. Discuss and possible action to accept the resignation from Daniel Smith.
26. Discuss and possible action to accept the resignation from Jessica Carnell.
27. Discuss and possible action to surplus the following items:
14-Model A1181 MacBook 12-3/4" x 8-5/9" 13-Late 2009 MacBooks with Rubber Bottom 16-Model A1395 Ipads 1-Model 1416 Ipads |
28. Discuss and possible action to change November 18, 2022 to a regular school day on the FY23 calendar.
29. Discuss and possible action regarding membership with OPSRC.
30. Discuss and possible action to subscribe to Seasaw Learning.
31. Discuss and possible action on contracting with Driskell Speech Services.
32. Discuss and possible action regarding replacement of HVAC system.
33. Discuss and possible action regarding 2000 Bluebird Bus, 65 passenger.
34. Superintendent's Report:
1. Back to School Night 2. Carpet 3. First Day of School |
35. Finance Report
36. Sign Warrants and Claims.
37. New Business
38. Vote to adjourn