July 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Davis Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call of members.
2. Consent Agenda
The following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless a board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The Consent Agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
2.a. Agenda as part of the minutes.
2.b. Minutes of the previous special meeting.
2.c. Purchase order encumbrances for all funds and change orders.
General Fund PO #'s 1-206 with a total of $1,103,351.25 Building Fund PO #'s 1-28 with a total of $99,165.00 Child Nutrition PO #'s 1-14 with a total of $362,770.54
2.d. Treasurer's report.
2.e. Activity Fund Report.
2.f. Fundraisers for the 2024-2025 school year.
3. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not to approve new board policy DHAC- Staff Members and Electronic or Digital Communications.
4. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve Student Handbook for 2024-2025 school year.
5. Discussion and possible action to approve the hourly method school calendar for FY25.
6. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve General Fund Budgets for the 2024-2025 school year.
7. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve allowing Southern Oklahoma Technology Center (SOTC) to provide remediation for Oklahoma End of Instruction Tests, course credits and OHLAP offerings for Davis Students attending SOTC FY25.
8. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve Certificate and Municipal Order to Murray, Garvin, and Carter County Clerks and County Treasurers to pay funds to Treasurer Candi Horton.
9. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve Certified Salary Schedule for 2024-2025 school year.
10. Vote to convene into proposed executive session pursuant to O.S. Section 307 (b)(2,3) and 70 O.S. Section 5-118 of the Open Meetings Act to discuss:
10.a. Employment of:
10.a.1. Geri Todd, HS English Teacher.
10.a.2. Bryan Hetherington, ISS.
10.b. Resignations of:
10.b.1. Emily Isern, MS/HS Vocal Teacher.
10.b.2. Robyn Whaley, HS English Teacher.
10.b.3. Lance Whaley, Aware Manager.
10.c. Discuss approving one-time daily rate stipend for Superintendent days worked in June and for July benefits for Jamea Gilbert.
10.d. Conduct ongoing evaluation of the Superintendent.
11. Acknowledge the board's return to open session.
12. Statement of minutes of executive session.
13. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve employment of:
13.a. Geri Todd, HS English Teacher.
13.b. Brian Hetherington, ISS.
14. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve Resignations of:
14.a. Emily Isern, MS/HS Vocal Teacher.
14.b. Robyn Whaley, HS English Teacher.
14.c. Lance Whaley, Aware Manager.
15. Recommend, disuss and vote to approve or not to approve a one-time daily rate stipend for Superintendent days worked in June and for July benefits for Jamea Gilbert.
16. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve Lacey Davenport, Brian Hetherington, and Bobby Alexander as adjunct teachers for the 2024-2025 school year.
17. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or not approve Superintendent Jamea Gilbert as purchasing Agent for the Davis Independent School District, Authorized Representative for all Federal programs including Child Nutrition, and designated custodian for the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund, bond fund, activity fund, all federal programs, all state programs, and all other school programs and activities not listed for the 2024-2025 school year.
18. Superintendent's Report.
19. New Business
20. Adjourn