September 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting Jones Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to Order.
2. Establishment of quorum.
3. Recognition of visitors.
Pursuant to Board Policy AF, during portions of regular meetings of the Board, a limited opportunity may be provided for members of the public to make comments regarding items on the posted agenda. To make such comments on items on the posted agenda, members of the public are to complete the required Speaker's Request Sheet and submit it to the Clerk of the Board or the Board President before the meeting is called to order. |
4. Discuss and possible vote on the minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 2024.
5. Financial Consent Docket - Discuss and possible vote on encumbrances, change orders and warrants supported by proper invoice.
5.A. General Fund.
1. Approve FY25 General Fund Purchase Orders 119-136 for a total of $8,345.36 2. Approve FY25 General Fund Change Order for Purchase Order 1-118 for a total of -$78,517.43. 3. Approve FY25 General Fund Payroll Change Order for Purchase Orders 50000-50122 for a total of $9,603.17 4. Approve FY25 General Fund AP Warrants for a total of $278,324.41.
5.B. Building Fund.
1. Approve FY25 Building Fund Purchase Orders 23-27 for a total of $8,564. 2. Approve FY25 Building Fund Change Order for Purchase Orders 1-22 for a total of $485.99. 3. Approve FY25 Building Fund AP Warrants for a total of $61,175.02.
5.C. Child Nutrition Fund.
1. Approve FY25 Child Nutrition Purchase Order 7 for a total of $1,855. 2. Approve FY25 AP Warrants for a total of $2,522.79
5.D. Building Bond Fund 38.
1. Approve FY25 Building Bond Fund Change Order for Purchase Orders 1-5 for a total of $40.06. 2. Approve FY25 Building Bond AP Warrants for a total of $4,131.10
5.E. Activity Fund Accounts.
5.F. Activity Fund Transfer:
1. Transfer $25.00 from Project Code 888 Technology Fund to Project Code 864 Class of 2026. |
5.G. Monthly Financial Reports.
1. Treasurer's Report. 2. FY25 Encumbrance Comparison Chart
6. Administrative report.
7. Presentation of JEA.
8. Discuss and possible vote on the Estimate of Needs for FY25 as provided by the auditor, Bledsoe, Hewett & Gullekson.
9. Discuss and possible vote on requests for Statutory Adjunct Certificate Waivers:
1. Belinda Bowman - Spanish, 6 classes. 2. Mallory Salazar - Science, 4 classes. 3. Rayna Long - Math, 3 classes. 4. Alex Bruce - Algebra I, 2 classes; Geometry, 1 class; Life Skills, 1 class; Careers, 1 class. 5. Hunter Harris - World Geography, 2 classes; US History of Sports, 1 class. |
10. Discuss and possible vote to approve teachers teaching during their planning period with compensation as provided in the negotiated agreement with Jones Education Association.
1. Danny Ledford 2. JD Marinko 3. Mikiah McDonald |
11. Discuss and possible vote on revised Jones Elementary fundraisers for the 2024-2025 school year.
12. Discuss and possible vote on sanctioning booster clubs for the 2024-2025 school year.
13. Discuss and possible vote on the contract with the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education for the Secondary Career and Technology Education Program for the 2024-2025 school year.
14. Discuss and possible vote on revised district policies:
1. BC - Safety Programs 2. BD - Health Services and Communicable Diseases 3. BJ - Internet Access and Acceptable Use Policy 4. DI - Leave 5. EA - General Student 6. EB - Admission, Residency, Placement, Transfer, and Withdrawal 7. EC - Attendance 8. ED - Grading, Promotion, Retention, and Graduation 9. EE - Student Activities 10. EM - Parent's Bill of Rights
15. Discuss and possible vote to select the ACT in place of the statewide academic assessment as the College and Career Readiness Assessment for Jones High School.
16. Discuss and possible vote on student transfers for the 2024-2025 school year.
17. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment and resignations as listed on the personnel schedule as per 25 O.S. 307(B)(1).
17.A. Vote to convene or not to convene into executive session.
17.B. Acknowledge return to open session.
17.C. Minutes compliance statement.
17.D. Possible vote on employment and resignations as listed on the personnel schedule.
18. Discuss and possible vote on setting a date for a special board meeting in order to tour Jones Elementary School.
19. New business.
20. Vote to adjourn.