June 11, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting Jones Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to Order.
2. Establishment of quorum.
3. Recognition of visitors.
Pursuant to Board Policy AF, during portions of regular meetings of the Board, a limited opportunity may be provided for members of the public to make comments regarding items on the posted agenda. To make such comments on items on the posted agenda, members of the public are to complete the required Speaker's Request Sheet and submit it to the Clerk of the Board or the Board President before the meeting is called to order. |
4. Discuss and possible vote on the minutes of the regular meeting of May 14, 2024.
5. Discuss and possible vote on the minutes of the special meeting of June 3, 2024.
6. Financial Consent Docket - Discuss and possible vote on encumbrances, change orders and warrants supported by proper invoice.
6.A. General Fund.
1. Approve FY24 General Fund Purchase Orders 247-249 for a total of $1,675.00 2. Approve FY24 General Fund Change Order for Purchase Orders 1-246 for a total of $17,935.42. 3. Approve FY24 General Fund Payroll Change Order for Purchase Orders 50000-50161 for a total of $5,029.65. 4. Approve FY24 General Fund AP Warrants for a total of $65,470.26.
6.B. Building Fund.
1. Approve FY24 Building Fund Change Order for Purchase Orders 1-38 for a total of $5,155.10 2. Approve FY24 Building Fund AP Warrants for a total of $28,854.42.
6.C. Child Nutrition Fund.
1. Approve FY24 Child Nutrition Change Order for Purchase Orders 1-8 for a total of $37,413.86. 2. Approve FY24 Child Nutrition AP Warrants for a total of $82,081.51.
6.D. Activity Fund Accounts.
6.E. Monthly Financial Reports.
7. Administrative report.
8. Presentation of JEA.
9. Discuss and possible vote on scheduling a closeout meeting in June.
10. Discuss and possible vote on updated job descriptions:
11. Discuss and possible vote on FY25 appointments:
12. Discuss and possible vote to approve the Certificate of Municipal Order with Oklahoma County for Sanja Cook, Treasurer.
13. Discuss and possible vote concerning directing the district treasurer to conduct financial procures for the district including the investment and distribution of earnings from those investments, purchase of non-payable warrants in one district fund with money from other available district funds and/or to negotiate the purchase of non-payable warrants from other sources, and all the general duties of the treasurer as outlined in law and policy.
14. Board to consider and take action on a motion approving the renewal of the Sublease Agreement dated June 1, 2020, between the District and Oklahoma County Finance Authority for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, as required under the provisions of the agreement.
15. Discuss and possible vote on the Food Procurement Plan and Protest and Procedures Plan for the Child Nutrition Program for the 2024-2025 school year.
16. Discuss and possible vote on the proposal from OSAG for the 2024-2025 district worker's compensation insurance.
17. Discuss and possible vote on the legal services agreement with The Center For Education Law for the 2024-2025 school year.
18. Discuss and possible vote on the 2024-2025 agreement with United Systems for Managed IT Services.
19. Discuss and possible vote on the 2024-2025 School Resource Officer agreement with the Town of Jones.
20. Discuss and possible vote on the FY25 Firetrol Inspection Agreement.
21. Discuss and possible vote on the contract for Physical Therapy with Kelly Curry for the 2024-2025 school year.
22. Discuss and possible vote on janitorial services proposals for the 2024-2025 school year:
23. Discuss and possible vote on proposals for summer floor care services:
24. Discuss and possible vote on sealed bids for propane, diesel, and gas.
25. Discuss and possible vote on student transfers for the 2024-2025 school year.
26. Discuss and possible vote on an out-of-state trip request:
1. Cross Country Teams to Fayetteville, AR for the 36th Chile Pepper Festival, September 27-28, 2024 |
27. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment listed on the personnel schedule as per 25 O.S. 307(B)(1).
27.A. Vote to convene or not to convene into executive session.
27.B. Acknowledge return to open session.
27.C. Minutes compliance statement.
27.D. Possible vote on employment as listed on the personnel schedule.
28. New business.
29. Vote to adjourn.