March 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Bethel Public Schools Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the February 10, 2025 regular board meeting minutes.
4. Discussion and approval of the following consent agenda items.
4.1. General fund #314-#327, $13,733.59 Payroll #70306-#70311, $15,117.29
4.2. Building fund # 24-#27, $249,591.14
4.3. Any and all change orders General fund, $54,396.89 Building fund, $2,608.25 Payroll, $18,077.07
4.4. February 2025 Activity Fund Report
4.5. Activity Fund Transfers
Transfer funds from activity sub-account #468 (Power Lifting) to activity sub-account #360 (Baseball) in the amount of $250.00 Transfer funds from activity sub-account #468 (Power Lifting) to activity sub-account #130 (Cheer) in the amount of $250.00. Transfer funds from activity sub-account #468 (Power Lifting) to activity sub-account #380 (Pom) in the amount of $250.00. Transfer funds from activity sub-account #468 (Power Lifting) to activity sub-account #150 (Band) in the amount of $250.00. Transfer funds from activity sub-account #468 (Power Lifting) to activity sub account #350 (Softball) in the amount of $250.00.
4.6. February 2025 Child Nutrition Report
4.7. Treasurers Report
4.8. February 2025 Sales Tax Report
4.9. Proposed Fundraising Activities
HS Baseball March 11-25, 2025 TeamFunded Raise money for equipment, filed supplies, and uniforms. HS Track March 26-April 9, 2025 Custom Fundraising Solutions (Beef Jerkey) Raise money for program expenses.
5. Citizen's Comments
6. Superintendent's report
A. Facilities B. Staff C. Community D. Students E. School Safety |
7. Presentation of Bethel Public Schools FY24 annual financial audit by the firm of Jenkins and Kemper, Certified Public Accountants P.C. (Presented via Teleconference)
8. Discussion and action to accept the Bethel Public Schools FY24 annual financial audit as presented by the firm of Jenkins and Kemper, Certified Public Accountants P.C.
9. Discussion and action on a contract between Bethel Public Schools and Jenkins and Kemper, Certified Public Accountants P.C. for auditing services during the 2024-2025 school year.
10. Board to receive information and updates from Dr. Joe Taron regarding possible funding sources for construction of an Ag facility for Bethel Public Schools.
11. Discussion and action on a contract agreement between Bethel Public Schools and Barlow Education Management, LLC to manage federal programs for the 2025-2026 school year.
12. Discussion and action on a contract services agreement between Bethel Public Schools and Taylor'd Physical Therapy Services for the 2025-2026 school year.
13. Discussion and action on the Joint Agreement- Academic Course Offerings and Sophomore Student Enrollment at Gordon Cooper Technology Center for the 2025-2026 school year.
14. Discussion and action on the 2025-2026 academic calendar.
15. Discussion and action to approve a statutory waiver application for a Library Media Specialist for the reminder of the 2024-2025 school year.
16. Discussion and possible action on the location of the new LED sign for the school district.
17. Discussion regarding school personnel including possible executive session to discuss the following items pursuant to O.S. Title 25, Section 307 (B) (1) and 307 (B)(3).
17.1. Discussion on certified contracts for the 2025-2026 school year. (Attachment A)
17.2. Discussion on support contracts for the 2025-2026 school year. (Attachment B)
17.3. Discussion on administrator contracts for the 2025-2026 school year. (Attachment C)
17.4. Discussion on contracts for 12-month employees for the 2025-2026 school year, (Attachment D)
17.5. Discussion on the resignation of Chandi Epperley effective May 16, 2025.
17.6. Discussion on an extra-duty stipend for Amanda Guess.
17.7. Discussion on the purchase of real property.
18. Action to convene into executive session or remain in open session.
19. Consideration and action to acknowledge the return to open session.
20. Announcement of executive session minutes that no items were discussed in the executive session other than those outlined in the motion to convene.
21. Action on the certified contracts for the 2025-2026 school year.
22. Action on support contracts for the 2025-2026 school year.
23. Action on adminstrator contracts for the 2025-2026 school year.
24. Action on contract for 12-month employees for the 2025-2026 school year.
25. Action on the resignation of Chandi Epperley effective May 16, 2025.
26. Action on an extra-duty stipend for Amanda Guess.
27. Action on the purchase of real property.
28. New business:
29. Adjournment