February 11, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Bethel Public Schools Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the January 14, 2019 regular board minutes.
4. Discussion and approval of the following consent agenda items.
4.1. General fund # 287-315, #70436-70446
4.2. Bond Fund # 2
4.3. Building fund # 7
4.4. Sinking fund # 2
4.5. Any and all change orders
4.6. January FY 19 Activity Fund Report
4.7. Activity Fund Transfers
4.8. January FY 19 Child Nutrition Report
4.9. Treasurers Report
4.10. Proposed Fundraising Activities
5. Citizen's Comments
6. Presentation on proposed changes to academic recognition procedures for high school students by Mr. Jeremy Stewart.
7. Consideration and action to approve the renewal of a contract with ADPC, a school accounting software program for FY 2019-20.
8. Consideration and action on course offering agreement with Gordon Cooper Technology Center.
9. Consideration and action on the renewal of an auditing contract with Jenkins & Kemper, CCPA, P.C. auditing firm for the 2018-19 school year financial activities.
10. Consideration and action to approve the 2019-2020 proposed school calendar.
11. Consideration and action to appoint Mr. Harrison as hearing officer to govern student suspension appeals.
12. Consideration and action on the employment of certified administrators for FY 2019-2020: Jenny Affentranger - Lower Elementary Principal, Tammy Cook - Upper Elementary Principal, Tina Moon - Middle School Principal, Jeremy Stewart - High School Principal, Annie Keehn - Middle School/High School Assistant Principal, Eric Litherland - Athletic Director/Coach
13. Consideration and action to hire certified employee: Amanda Jill Thomas - part time, RN, Certified School Nurse.
14. Consideration and action to approve a contract for Mr. Tod Harrison as Superintendent of Schools for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 (2 years) school fiscal years.
15. Superintendent's report
16. New business: Consideration and action to amend our yearly meal contract with Crossroads Head Start to reflect State of Oklahoma required price increases. Children's breakfast and lunches will be charged adult prices for the remainder of the school year.
17. Adjournment