September 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Public Schools Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Consideration and action on the approval of the August 7, 2017 regular board meeting minutes.
4. Discussion and approval of the following consent agenda items.
4.1. General fund #134-178, #70160-70182
4.2. Building fund #3
4.3. Any and all change orders
4.4. AUGUST FY 18 Activity Fund Report
4.5. Activity Fund Transfers
4.6. August FY 18 Child Nutrition Report
4.8. Proposed Fundraising Activities
5. Citizen's Comments
6. Consideration and action to amend school district policies., BBB-E3, BBF, BBH, BBH-R1, BBH-R2, BD, BD-R1, BDAE, BDD, BDFC, BDFD, BE, BEA, BEA-E, BEB, BEC, BED, BED-E, BED-R, BFA, BJ, BJCA, CBBA, CDA, CE, CEA, CEB, CFB, CFC, CFB-R4, CFBA, CHA, CHA-R, CHA-P3, CHAH, CK, CK-R, CKAC, CKAC-R1, CKAD, CKBB, CKC, CKC-R1, CKCR-2, CKCD, CKCD.-P, CKDA, CKE, CKEA, CKEA-R, CKHA, CKHA-R, CL, CN, CN-A2, CNA, CNBA, CO, COB-R, and DNA.
7. Consideration and action to approve all activity fund and sub-accounts for FY 18.
8. Consideration and action to create a Snack Break sub account for the Bethel High School Activity Fund.
9. Consideration and action to approve the Bethel Public Schools Estimate of Needs for the FY 2018.
10. Consideration and action to approve the use of Pottawatomie county sales tax monies to purchase 25 chrome books for BHS, lockers for girl's basketball locker room and ball racks.
11. Consideration and action to approve or disapprove Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (e-Rate) for 2017-18. This resolution authorizes filing of the Form 471 applications for funding year 2017-18 and the payment of the applicant's share upon approval of funding and receipt of services.
12. Consideration and action to approve the resignation of support employees:
12.1. Casey Goodall
13. Consideration and action to approve the employment of the following support personnel:
13.1. Lawrence Hart-Bus Driver
13.2. Sharon Crawford-Cafeteria
Elizabeth Hawks-Cafeteria
14. Superintendent's report
14.1. Mr. Stewart - ACT
14.2. Mr. Harrison
15. New business:
16. Adjournment