June 30, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Bethel Public Schools Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the June 8, 2020 special board meeting minutes.
4. Approval of the June 8, 2020 regular board meeting minutes.
5. Discussion and approval of the following consent agenda items.
5.1. General fund #422-428, FY 20, $6,391.44 , #1-110, FY 21, $1,089,561.81
Payroll Encumbrances # 70502, FY 20 $871.97, #70001-70021, #1,330,643.95 |
5.2. Building fund #10, FY 20, $6,000.00 #1-2, FY 21, $49, 978.66
5.3. Any and all change orders
6. Consideration and action to approve the Bethel Extra-Duty Salary Schedule for FY 2021. (See attachment)
7. Consideration and action on the Bethel Athletic Extra-Duty Salary for FY 2021. (See attachment)
8. Consideration and action on the approval of the Bethel Support Salary Schedule for FY 2020-2021. (See attachment)
9. Consideration and action on the approval of the new Bethel Certified Salary Schedule. (See attachment)
10. Consideration and action on a motion approving the renewal of the Qualified Zone Academy Bond Lease for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 as required under the provisions of the Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement dated November 1, 2014 between the District and Zions First National Bank.
11. Consideration and action to approve the property insurance quote from Oklahoma School Insurance Group.
12. Consideration and action to enter into the East Central Oklahoma On-Line Consortium.
13. Consideration and action for Bethel Public Schools to renew a membership with the Organization for Rural Oklahoma Schools (OROS) for FY 2021.
14. Discussion as to inform the Board of the districts internet filtering software. Our district will be using a new cloud based internet software , IBOSS Core for our technology protection measure during the 2020-21 school year. IBOSS Core protects against access by adults and minors to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or with respect use of computers with Internet access by minors-harmful to minors. It may be disabled for adults engaged in bona fide research or other lawful purposes. Our district policy includes monitoring the online activities for minors.
15. Consideration and action on the authorization of Superintendent Tod Harrison as the purchasing agent for Bethel Independent School District and authorized representative for all federal programs; also E-Rate, General Fund, Bond Fund, Building Fund, Activity Fund, and all other school programs and activities not listed for the FY 2020-2021 school year.
16. Consideration and action to approve Oklahoma School Assurance Group (OSAG) as our Districts Workers Compensation Provider for FY 2021.
17. Consideration and action on entering into an Agreement between Bethel School District and the Pottawatomie County Commissioners on behalf of the County of Pottawatomie, regarding road construction related services provided by the highway department of Pottawatomie County for FY 2021.
18. Consideration and action to approve application concerning deregulation for Library Media Services Elementary School per OAC 210:35-5-71.
19. Consideration and action to appoint Kellie Gambill as Bethel Public Schools Treasurer and Alternate Minutes Clerk for FY 2021.
20. Consideration and action to appoint Denise Flowers as Encumbrance Clerk and Minutes Clerk for FY 2021.
21. Consideration and action to appoint Tarrall Davidson as Activities Custodian and Alternate Minutes Clerk for FY 2021.
22. Consideration and action to appoint Julie Jesseph as Child Nutrition Fund Custodian for FY 2021.
23. Consideration and action to enter into a contract with the Frantz Law Group to be a district represented in a law suit against Juul.
24. Consideration and action on the employment of certified personnel: Dr. Brett Scott, Agriculture Education teacher.
25. Consideration and action regarding the resignation of support employees Dhiuna Sexton-cafeteria, Tammy Mahan-cafeteria, bus driver
26. Consideration and action regarding the resignation of certified employee: Jeanne Fuller/HS Vocal
27. Consideration and action on the employment of support personnel: Kolton Wingo-technology assistant.
28. Superintendent's report:
A. Facilities B. Staff C. Community D. Students |
29. New business:
30. Adjournment