February 10, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Bethel Public Schools Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the January 13, 2020 regular board meeting minutes.
4. Approval of the January 13, 2020 special board meeting minutes.
5. Discussion and approval of the following consent agenda items.
5.1. General fund #324-#350, $19,190.26, Payroll #70443-70457, $39,487.77
5.2. Bond Fund 32- # 2, $214.50
5.3. Any and all change orders
5.4. January FY 20 Activity Fund Report
5.5. Activity Fund Transfers
5.6. January FY 2020 Child Nutrition Report
5.7. Treasurers Report
6. Citizen's Comments:None
7. Consideration and action to approve the renewal of a contract with ADPC, a school accounting software program for FY 2020-21.
8. Consideration and action on the renewal of an auditing contract with Jenkins & Kemper, CPAs, P.C for FY 2019-2020 as required by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
9. Consideration and action to continue the use of Pottawatomie county sales tax dollars to pay the district's Oklahoma Natural Gas, Constellation, and OG&E bills.
10. Consideration and action to hire Midplains Construction as our Construction Manager for our bond proposal.
11. Consideration and action to hire Boynton Williams and Associates as our architect.
12. Consideration and action to pay a $3000.00 extra-duty stipend to our band substitute for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
13. Consideration and action to approve an out of state field trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas for the baseball team March 16-18, 2020.
14. Consideration and action regarding the resignation of support employee: Ronda Sumpter/Special Ed Paraprofessional
15. Consideration and action on the employment of support employees: Stefany Beesley/Cafeteria, Tena Sanders/Cafeteria
16. Consideration and action regarding the resignation of certified employee: Amanda Jill Thomas/School Nurse
17. Superintendent's report
A. Facilities B Staff C. Community D. Students |
18. New business:
19. Adjournment