July 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Public Participation
Principal's Report
High School/Middle School
Superintendent's Report
Oath of Office - Information: Mr. Colton Schooley was elected for the Haskell Board Seat 5 and will take the oath of office for the Haskell Public School's Board of Education.
Re-Organization of the Haskell Board of Education - Information: The Board of Education will vote to elect a President, Vice-President, and Clerk for the term of one year.
Consent Agenda
Encumbrances: General Fund #'s 1-97,Building Fund #'s 1-5, Change Orders, Treasurer's Report, Activity Fund Report, and Payment Register
Minutes from the Regular BOE Meeting of June 23, 2020
Renewal of TimeClock Plus for employee time clock.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve changes to the 2020-2021 school calendar.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve the school calendar based on 1080 hours for the 2020-2021 school year.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve Kayla Sheridan as adjunct instructor for academic credit in Biology I, Mike Jones as adjunct instructor for academic credit in Physical Science, Greg Wilson as adjunct instructor for academic credit in Geography, Kyle Ward as adjunct instructor for academic credit in Environmental Science for the 2020-2021 school year.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve Fran Burkhalter and Maurica Nordberg as adjunct instructors for academic credit in Anatomy for the 2020-2021 school year.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve the 308 form for bond payments in the amount of $760,000.00 for 2020.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve waiving the pre-extracurricular drug testing for the 2020-2021 school year.
Personnel- The board of Education will consider and may vote to convene into Executive Session to discuss Personnel recommended for employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining and resignations of the following Personnel. [Oklahoma Statute Title 25, 307 (B)(1).]
The Board of Education will acknowledge the return of the Board to Open Session.
Statement of Executive Session Minutes.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve discussing Superintendents Contract.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve accepting the resignation of Trico Blue as High School English Teacher.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve hiring an English Teacher/Bus Driver.
New Business
Resignations tendered after the posting of this agenda