April 9, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call
Principal's Report
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Public Participation
Superintendent's Report
Oath of Office-
Information: Mr. Jay Dixon was appointed by the board of education for the Haskell School Board Seat 1 and will take the oath of office for the Haskell Public School's Board of Education.
Oath of Office-
Information: Mrs Corrie Buchanan was elected for the Haskell School Board Seat 3 and will take the oath of office for the Haskell Public School's Board of Education.
Re-Organization of the Haskell Board of Education-
Information: The Board of Education will vote to elect a President, Vice-President, and Clerk for the term of one year.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve the Minutes from the Regular BOE Meeting of March 5, 2018
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve the minutes from the Special BOE meeting of March 10, 2018.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve minutes from the Special BOE meeting of March 29, 2018.
Consent Agenda (Individual items may be voted on separately at the request of any board member.)
Encumbrances: General Fund #'s 337-358, Bldg. Fund #'s 13-19,Change Orders, Treasurer's Report, Activity Fund Report, and Payment Register
2018-19 contract with Therapy works Inc. for Occupational and Physical Therapy Services.
2018-19 agreement with Compliance Resource Group for drug testing services
2018-19 agreement with Drugs of Abuse Testing Laboratory,INC. for student drug testing services.
Transfer $187.50 from Activity Account 930 girls basketball to Activity Account 935 Boys Basketball to correct a clerical error.
Kellogg and Sovereign “Vote to approve or disapprove Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2018-19. This resolution authorizes filing of the Form 471 application(s) for funding year 2018-19 and the payment of the applicant’s share upon approval of funding and receipt of services.”
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve a resolution converting the 180 day teacher contract in to 1253 hours utilizing the standard work day that teachers are currently performing for the school district for the 2017-18 school year.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve calendar for the 2018-19 school year.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve entering into an agreement for continuous strategic improvement for Haskell Public Schools.
Bond Issue- Board will consider and take possible action, in the absence of the President and/or Clerk, to appoint an acting President and/or Clerk for the Haskell School District to execute any and all documents pertaining to setting the maturities, date, time and place of the bond sale.
Bond Issue- Board to consider and take action on a resolution determining the maturities of, and setting a date, time, and place for the sale of the $715,000 General Obligation Combined Purpose Bonds of this School District; and designating bond counsel for this issuance of bonds.
Personnel- The board of Education will consider and may vote to convene into Executive Session to discuss Personnel recommended for employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining and resignations of the following Personnel. [Oklahoma Statute Title 25, 307 (B)(1).]
The Haskell Board of Education will acknowledge the return to Open Session.
Executive session compliance announcement.
Discussion, consideration and action to approve or not approve the following temporary contracts for the fall semester 2018: Lakisha Blandon, Johnny Dobbs, Billye Downard, Brian Enkey, Keena Harris, Amy Harward, Selena Lee, Jessica Lomangino, Bill Nobles, Brandi Robertson, Kayla Sheridan, Chris Staton, Jennifer Taylor, Jennifer Youngberg, Sherry Gamblin, Sherry Garner, Mike Jones, Cynthia Ralston, Ann Sherry.
New Business
Resignations tendered after the posting of this agenda