August 14, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Public Participation
Principal's Report
Superintendent's Report
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve or not approve the Minutes from the Regular Board of Education meeting of July 10, 2017.
Consent Agenda
Encumbrances: General Fund #'s85-147, Bond Fund 33 #2, Change Orders, Treasurer's Report, Activity Fund Reports, and Payment Registers.
2017-18 Deregulation for Late Start Wednesdays.
List of Donor's Choose projects for Jennifer Youngberg's class.
2017-18 contract with Barlow Education Management Services for staff development.
2017-18 contract with Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education for Career and Technology Education Programs.
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve or not approve Superintendent, Doyle Bates, as Purchasing Agent for Haskell Independent School District, authorized representative for all Federal Programs including E-rate and Child Nutrition, and designated custodian for the General Fund, Building Fund, Child Nutrition Fund, Bond Fund, Coop Fund, Sinking Fund, all Federal Programs including E-rate, all State Programs and all other school programs and activities not listed for the 2017-18 school year.
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve or not approve the Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2017-18. This resolution authorizes filing of the Form 471 applications for funding year 2017-18 and the payment of the applicant's share upon approval of funding and receipt of services.
Discussion, Consideration and Action to approve or not approve the 308 form for bond funds in the amount of $220,000 for 2018.
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve or not approve the purchase of classroom and office furniture for Mary White Elementary, EW Beavers Middle School and Haskell High School.
120 Student Desks
120 Student Chairs
Replacement Classroom Markerboards and tackboards
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve bid for softball stadium lighting.
Discussion, consideration, and Action to approve or not approve changes to the Haskell Public Schools Board Policy Manual for the 2017-18 school year.
a. Section 5
1. Use of School Facilities
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve or not approve accepting the following resignations
Kisa Carpenter- Aide,
Shandi Drain- Aide,
Carolyn Bobbitt- Cafeteria,
Amber Wright- Elementary,
John Neal- Elementary
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve or not approve hiring Kathleen Harris to serve as Haskell Public Schools Activities Custodian for the 2017-18 school year.
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve or not approve hiring the following certified teacher positions on a temporary contract for the fall semester 2017
2nd Grade
5th Grade
Elementary Physical Education
Business Education
Discussion, Consideration, and Action to approve or not approve hiring the following support positions
Pre-K Aide
New Business
Resignations tendered after the posting of this agenda