September 27, 2022 at 5:15 PM - Lawton Public Schools Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance - Kevin Hime
3. Roll Call to Establish Quorum
4. Special Guests/Special Recognitions - Kevin Hime and Mary Bradley.
4.a. Excellence in Education
5. Report of the Superintendent
5.a. Discussion and possible board action to adopt district election map boundaries in accordance with requirements set forth in 70 O.S. Section 5-107A for school board member candidates
5.b. Discussion and possible action of the FY 23 Estimate of Needs
5.c. Information Item: Business Operations and Educational Services Departmental Updates
5.d. Superintendent's Announcement(s)
6. Consent Agenda
(The following matters may be approved in their entirety by the Board upon motion made, seconded and passed by a majority vote of the Board members. However, upon request of any Board member, any one or more matters will be removed from the consent agenda and acted upon separately. Contracts are approved subject to review by the District’s legal counsel. Any or all of the public record items included within the consent agenda, i.e. minutes to be submitted for approval; purchase orders to be submitted for acceptance; financial report; proposed transfer of funds between activity accounts; and fund-raising event listings, may be examined at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Education at the Shoemaker Center, 753 Fort Sill Blvd., Lawton, OK. An appointment to review records is requested.) |
6.a. Report of the Purchasing Agent/Encumbrance Clerk - Sheila Relf
6.a.1. Approve Purchase Orders
General Fund (11) PO Numbers 1198-1315 Building Fund (21) PO Numbers 50-51 Bond Fund (32) PO Numbers 41-42 Bond Fund (33) PO Numbers 109-129 Gift Fund 81 PO Numbers 28-36
6.a.2. Change Order Listing
6.a.3. Payroll Encumbrance Purchase Order Numbers 50000-52402
6.b. Report of the Chief Financial Officer - Lance Gibbs
6.b.1. Treasurer's Report for the Month of August, 2022
6.b.2. Items to surplus
6.c. Report of the Activity Fund Custodian - LaQuinta Chambers
6.c.1. Activity Fund Transfers, Expenditures, Establishments, and Amendments
6.d. Report of the Clerk - Carla Dewberry
6.d.1. Student Out of State Travel - National FFA Convention
6.d.2. Contracts/Agreements/Applications for Sanctioning
6.e. Approval of the Minutes of the September 6, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
6.f. Approval of the Gifted and Talented Advisory Board Members
6.g. Item(s) Removed from the Consent Agenda for Separate Action
6.h. Approval of the Balance of the Consent Agenda
6.i. Approval of Item that was Previously Pulled for Separate Action
7. Proposed Executive Session to Discuss:
7.a. The employing, promoting, or receiving resignation(s) of individual certified and support salaried personnel as listed on the Personnel Reports, Exhibit A and Exhibit B. (Exhibit B includes new potential hires and presented to the board under separate cover).
[Authorized by 25 OKLA.STAT. Section 307 (B)(1) of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act] |
8. Vote to Convene into Executive Session
9. Acknowledge Board's Return to Open Session
10. Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement
11. Superintendent's Personnel Report / Items Discussed in Executive Session
11.a. Approval of Superintendent's Personnel Reports, Exhibit A (and Exhibit B that was presented under separate cover)
12. New Business - This refers to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda. Okla. Stat. tit. 25 Sec. 311(A)(9)
13. The next regular board meeting date is Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 5:15 p.m., in the Shoemaker Center Auditorium.
14. Setting New Board Meeting Dates
15. Board Announcements
16. Adjournment