August 6, 2018 at 5:00 PM - Lawton Public Schools Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance - Tom Deighan
3. Roll Call
4. Special Guests/Special Recognition - Tom Deighan and Kent Jester
5. Departmental Reports
5.a. Information Item: Update - Business Services/Educational Services Reports
5.b. Action Item: Proposed adoption of Policy GBC-News Media Relations - Barbara Ellis
5.c. Information Item: Certification of Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) to meet eRate funding requirement - Dave McDermott
5.d. Action Item: Proposed adoption of LPS Salary Schedules for 2018-2019 - Jean Hastings/Paula Diehl
5.e. Action Item: End of Year Fund Balance Summary, 2018-2019 Budget Projections, Expenditure Summary Report - Elizabeth Brown-Hill (Under Separate Cover)
5.f. Information Item: Athletic Director Gary Dees to Address the Board to Reaffirm the Board's Absolute Authority in Hiring all Staff
6. Architect's Report
7. Report of the Superintendent
7.a. Board of Education Goals for 2018-2019
7.b. Superintendent's Announcement(s)
8. Consent Agenda Items
8.a. Item(s) Removed From the Consent Agenda for Separate Action
8.b. Approval of the Balance of the Consent Agenda
8.c. Approval of the Minutes of the July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting
8.d. Report of the Purchasing Manager/Encumbrance Clerk - Sheila Relf
8.d.1. Increase, Decrease and Issue Purchase Orders
8.d.2. Emergency Approvals
8.d.3. Encumbrances/Partial Payments
8.e. Report of the Chief Financial Officer - Elizabeth Brown-Hill
8.e.1. Treasurer's Report for the Month of June 2018 (Under Separate Cover)
8.e.2. Monthly Authorization to Invest (Under Separate Cover)
8.f. Report of the Activity Fund Custodian - Kathy Bentley
8.f.1. Approval of Athletic Allocation Transfers
8.g. Report of the Clerk - Kathy Bentley
8.g.1. Approval of Certificate of Substantial Completion, Edison Elementary Re-Roof
8.g.2. Construction Related Contracts/Agreements
8.g.2.A. Brady's Glass LLC, MHS Window Replacement, Change Order #3
8.g.2.B. Cavins Construction, MHS Cafeteria Renovation, Change Order #3
8.g.3. Contracts / Agreements
8.g.3.A. Amber McPherson, "fundraiserlady", any LPS school for 2018-2019
8.g.3.B. Badgepass, printers for ID badges, EHS, LHS, MHS, Gateway, Shoemaker Center
8.g.3.C. Clampitt Fundraising LLC, any LPS school for 2018-2019
8.g.3.D. Club's Choice Fundraising, any LPS school for 2018-2019
8.g.3.E. Digi Security Systems, cameras and doors for Shoemaker Center and Media Center
8.g.3.F. Follett Book Fairs, any LPS school for 2018-2019
8.g.3.G. Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education Contract for Secondary Career and Tech Education Programs for 2018-2019; Notice of Allocation; Vocational grants for Ag Ed and STEM from OK Education Lottery Trust (LPS, MMS, EHS)
8.g.3.H. Sodexo Operations LLC, Facilities Management Services Agreement
8.g.3.I. Super Fan Fundraising, any LPS school for 2018-2019
8.g.3.J. Xcel Office Solutions/Xerox Corp, Amendment to Services and Solutions Agreement and Extensions, copiers for the district and Media Center
8.g.4. Approval for disposal of old textbooks
9. Proposed Executive Session to Discuss [Authorized by 25 OKLA.STAT. Section 307 (B)(1) of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act]:
9.a. The employing, promoting, or receiving resignation(s) of individual certified and support salaried personnel so the board can return to open session and vote to take action on personnel transactions as listed on the attached Certified and Support Personnel Reports
9.b. The selection of 10-Month High School Assistant Principal
9.c. The selection of Elementary Principal
9.d. The selection of LHS Head Football Coach
9.e. The selection of LHS Head Girls Basketball Coach
10. Vote to Convene in Executive Session
11. Vote to Acknowledge Return to Open Session
12. Statement of Executive Session Minutes
13. Superintendent's Personnel Report / Items Discussed in Executive Session
13.a. Approval of Certified and Support Personnel Reports
13.b. Approval of the selection of 10-Month High School Assistant Principal(s)
13.c. Approval of the selection of Elementary Principal
13.d. Approval of the selection of LHS Head Football Coach
13.e. Approval of the selection of LHS Head Girls Basketball Coach
13.f. Consideration and action, if any, regarding the evaluation of Superintendent Deighan
14. New Business - (refers to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda) [Authorized by 25 O.S. Section 311(A)(9)]
15. Next regular board meeting date is: Thursday, August 16, 2018, 5:00 p.m., Shoemaker Center Auditorium.
16. Setting New Board Meeting Dates
17. Board Announcements
18. Adjournment