April 3, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance - Tom Deighan
3. Roll Call
4. Special Guests/Special Recognition - Tom Deighan and Dr. Lori Bridges
4.a. 2017 State of Oklahoma Poetry Out Loud Champion - Kristine Guerrero, Lawton High School
5. Departmental Reports
5.a. Update - Business Services - Educational Services
5.b. Update - District Phone System - Dave McDermott
5.c. Update - Progress and Implementation of LPS Drug Testing Program - Mike Moore
5.d. Update - LPS Athletics Financial Report - Mike Moore
5.e. Update - Textbooks (English/Language Arts) - Teresa Jackson
5.f. Update - LPS Pre-K Programs - Amy Frazier
5.g. Proposed Policy Revisions - Barbara Ellis
5.g.1. Policy DEA-R2 - Substitute Salary Schedule
5.g.2. Policy FE - Transfer Policy (Transfers and Assignments)
5.g.3. Policy FE-R1 - Intradistrict Transfers and School Assignment (Regulations)
5.g.4. Policy FFG - Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and/or Neglect
6. Report of the Superintendent
6.a. Approval for the appointment of Diane Branstetter, Chief Financial Officer, as the authorized representative to sign all local, state and federal program/grant applications, reimbursements and/or reporting documents for the 2016-2017 fiscal year
6.b. Update - Completion of 2004 Roofing and HVAC Bond Projects
6.c. Superintendent's Announcement(s)
7. Consent Agenda
7.a. Item(s) Removed From the Consent Agenda for Separate Action
7.b. Approval of the Minutes - March 6 (regular), March 8 (special), 2017 board meetings
7.c. Report of the Purchasing Manager/Encumbrance Clerk - Sheila Relf
7.c.1. Request to Increase, Issue Purchase Orders, and Make Related Encumbrances
7.c.2. Emergency Approvals
7.c.3. Gasoline Tabulation
7.c.4. Encumbrances/Partial Payments
7.d. Report of the Activity Fund Custodian - Kathy Bentley
7.d.1. Activity Fund Transfers
7.d.2. Permission to Purchase From District Commission Account
7.d.3. Permission to Donate to LPS Foundation
7.e. Report of the Clerk - Kathy Bentley
7.e.1. Construction-Related Agreements/Contracts
7.e.1.A. RCJ Construction, Inc.
Bus Wash Oil/Water Separator
7.e.1.B. Certificate of Substantial Completion - Woodland Hills Elementary Renovation
7.e.1.C. Change Order - Woodland Hills Elementary Renovation
7.e.2. Other Agreements/Contracts
7.e.2.A. Altus High School, Shortgrass Boys Basketball Tournament, MacArthur High School, January 18-20, 2018
7.e.2.B. Catapult Learning West, LLC, Literacy First Phase I, Professional Development Training, Grades K-2, May 22 - 25, 2017
7.e.2.C. Catapult Learning West, LLC, Literacy First Secondary Content Training, Grades 6 - High School, May 22-25, 2017
7.e.2.D. Catapult Learning West, LLC, Literacy First Phase I, Professional Development Training, Grades 3-5, May 30 - June 2, 2017
7.e.2.E. Catapult Learning West, LLC, Literacy First Secondary Content Training, Grades 6 - High School, May 30 - June 2, 2017
7.e.2.F. Chickasha High School Girls Basketball Tournament, MacArthur High School, January 4-6, 2018
7.e.2.G. Coole School, FY18 Planners for Sullivan Village
7.e.2.H. Fidelity Communications (new contract replaces contract board approved February 6, 2017)
7.e.2.I. Kelli Anglley, Consultant, Provide ELA Strategies at the Lawton STEM Conference, April 8, 2017
7.e.2.J. Lifetouch, 2017-18 Portrait and Service Agreements, Almor West, Learning Tree Academy
7.e.2.K. Lighting Events Dramatically, LHS Prom, April 29, 2017
7.e.2.L. Rahhal Henderson Johnson, PLLC, FY17 Audit
7.e.2.M. Sodexo-Cameron University, Suicide Prevention Training for District Counselors, April 27-28, 2017
7.e.3. Removal of Vehicle From Fleet - 2006 Ford Crown Victoria
8. Proposed Executive Session to Discuss:
[Authorized by 25 O.S. Section 307 (B)(1) of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act]
8.a. The employing, promoting, or receiving resignation(s) of individual certified and support salaried personnel so the board can return to open session and vote to take action on personnel transactions as listed on the attached Certified and Support Personnel Reports
9. Vote to Go Into Executive Session
10. Vote to Acknowledge Return to Open Session
11. Statement of Executive Session
12. Superintendent's Personnel Report / Items Discussed in Executive Session
12.a. Approval of Certified and Support Personnel Reports
13. New Business - refers to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda. [Authorized by 25 O.S. Section 311(A)(9)]
14. Next regular board meeting date is: April 20, 2017, 5:00 p.m., Shoemaker Center Auditorium.
15. Setting New Board Meeting Dates
16. Board Announcements
17. Adjournment