March 6, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance - Tom Deighan
3. Roll Call
4. Special Guests/Special Recognition - Tom Deighan and Dr. Lori Bridges
4.a. MacArthur High School Wrestling - 2017 Class 5A Dual State Champions - Mike Moore
4.b. Eisenhower High School - 2017 State School of Character - Charlotte Oates
5. Departmental Reports
5.a. LPS Pre-K Update - Amy Frazier, Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Education
5.b. Textbook/Digital Convergence - Lance Gibbs, Teresa Jackson, Directors of Curriculum & Instruction
5.c. Proposed 2018-2019 LPS School Calendar - Barbara Ellis, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
5.d. Lawton Public Schools Assistance Club - Request for Open Enrollment for All Full-Time District Employees - Barbara Ellis, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
5.e. Proposed 2017 Summer Programs & Budgets - Diane Branstetter, Chief Financial Officer
5.f. Freedom Elementary Update - Kyle Smith
6. Report of the Superintendent
6.a. Discussion Regarding Completion of 2004 Roofing and HVAC Bond Projects
6.b. Update - 2014 Bond and 2015 Sales Tax Funds
6.c. Superintendent's Announcement(s)
7. Consent Agenda
7.a. Item(s) Removed From the Consent Agenda for Separate Action
7.b. Approval of the Minutes of the February 6, 2017 Regular, February 16, 2017 Special, and February 16, 2017 Regular Board Meetings
7.c. Report of the Purchasing Manager/Encumbrance Clerk
7.c.1. Increase, Decrease and Issue Purchase Orders
7.c.2. Gasoline Tabulation
7.c.3. Encumbrances/Partial Payments
7.d. Report of the Chief Financial Officer
7.d.1. Monthly Authorization to Invest
7.d.2. Treasurer's Report
7.e. Report of the Activity Fund Custodian
7.e.1. Activity Fund Transfers
7.e.2. Out of Town Travel
7.e.3. Activity Fund Summary
7.f. Report of the Clerk
7.f.1. Applications for Sanctioning of Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
7.f.2. Certificates of Substantial Completion
7.f.3. Contracts / Agreements
7.f.3.A. Comanche County Fairgrounds
7.f.3.B. Dell Professional Learning
7.f.3.C. Great Plains Technology Center - Career Advisor
7.f.3.D. Herff Jones Printing Agreement for 2017-2018
Central Middle School, Eisenhower High School, Lawton High School
7.f.3.E. Janet Stevens - Author Visit
7.f.3.F. Lifetouch Portrait and Service Agreements
7.f.3.G. National Math & Science Initiative College Readiness Program: Sustainment Network for Eisenhower High School
7.f.3.H. Oklahoma Public School Resource Center, Blended Personalized Learning Model
7.f.3.I. Susan Stevens Crummel - Author Visits
7.f.4. Return of 1989 Chevrolet Fleetside C-10 to LPS Fleet With Liability Coverage (was approved to be scrapped in 2014)
8. Proposed Executive Session to Discuss:
[Authorized by 25 O.S. Section 307 (B)(1) of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act]
8.a. The employing, promoting, or receiving resignation(s) of individual certified and support salaried personnel so the board can return to open session and vote to take action on personnel transactions as listed on the attached Certified and Support Personnel reports
9. Vote to Go Into Executive Session
10. Vote to Acknowledge Return to Open Session
11. Statement of Executive Session
12. Superintendent's Personnel Report / Items Discussed in Executive Session
12.a. Approve the Employing, Promoting, Disciplining or Resignations of Individual Certified and Support Salaried Personnel Listed on the Personnel Reports
13. New Business - Refers to Any Matter Not Known About or Which Could Not Have Been Reasonably Foreseen Prior to the Time of Posting of the Agenda. [Authorized by 25 O.S. Section 311(A)(9)]
14. The Next Regular Board Meeting Date is Monday, April 3, 2017, 5:00 p.m., Shoemaker Center Auditorium. Special Board Meetings Have Been Scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 12:00 p.m. and Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 5:00 p.m.
15. Setting New Board Meeting Dates
16. Board Announcements
17. Adjournment