March 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call of members.
2. Consent Agenda:
All the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
2.a. Approval of Minutes of the February 10, 2025, Regular Board Meeting
2.b. Approval of Tami Wright as Minutes Clerk
2.c. Approval of Agenda as part of the minutes
2.d. Approval of February Treasurer's Report
2.e. Approval of February Activity Fund Reports - Regular & Credit Card Account
2.f. Approval of General Fund Change Orders, Warrants, & Encumbrances for FY 24, in the amount of -$31,271.72
2.g. Approval of General Fund Change Orders, Warrants, & Encumbrances for FY 25, numbers 728-811, in the amount of $96,521.05
2.h. Approval of Building Fund Change Orders, Warrants, & Encumbrances for FY 25, numbers 25024-25027, in the amount of $25,850.00
2.i. Approval of General Fund Payroll Change Orders, Warrants, & Encumbrances for FY 25, numbers 70297-70319, in the amount of $20,089.19
2.j. Resolution to Declare Surplus Property
3. Presentation of the FY24 Audit Report by Patten & Odom, CPA's, PLLC, or a representative from the firm.
4. Discussion and vote to accept/not accept the FY24 Audit Report.
5. Discussion and possible action regarding the following appropriation changes within the Building Fund: Transfer $750,000 from function 2600 (Operation and Maintenance Plant Services) to function 4600 (Building Acquisition & Construction Services).
6. Discussion and possible action regarding the Trends Software License and Support Agreement with ADPC for FY26.
7. Discussion and possible action regarding the FY26 Carl Perkins local participation and agree to serve as LEA for secondary Carl Perkins consortium.
8. Discussion and possible action regarding the FY26 Carl Perkins local participation in the post-secondary consortium with Murray State College, Pontotoc Technology Center and Southern Oklahoma Technology Center.
9. Discussion and possible action regarding the ongoing contract with Pitney Bowes for postage machine/scale rental.
10. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2025–2026 Agreement with Jefferson County Treasurer.
11. Discussion and possible action regarding the resignation due to retirement of Lisa Williams, ACD/WED Director, effective June 30, 2025.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding amendment to the FY25 work calendars for support staff to change February 18-19, 2025, to "paid holiday".
13. Discussion and possible action regarding the FY26 work calendars for support personnel.
14. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2025–2026 Practical Nursing Academic Calendar.
15. Discussion and possible action regarding the addition of Richard Berryhill to the previously approved A&CD, AEL, WED & Substitute Instructor list.
16. Discussion and possible action regarding the out-of-state travel of Madalyn Estes to Dallas, TX, March 30, 2025–April 2, 2025, to attend the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) National Spring Conference.
17. Discussion and possible action regarding the attached employee contracts of Davis Loafman, Richard Berryhill, David McAllister, Vera Hardin, Marilyn Brooks, Nathan Carrio, Bill Leyrer, Gary Williams, Sylvia Loveday, & Armida Garcia.
18. New Business: In accordance with Oklahoma State Statute 25 Section 311(A)(9), this is limited to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting the agenda.
19.a. APEX EXCELL. Report
19.b. Career Information Specialist Report
19.c. Equipment, Curriculum, and Supplies
19.d. Pre-Engineering Instructor Job Posting
19.e. New Property Update
19.f. OSSBA Whole Board Training at RRTC - March 25, 2025 @ 6pm
19.g. OSSBA Training - New and Incumbent Board Training April 11-12, 2025 in Tulsa and May 9-10, 2025 in OKC
20. Vote to adjourn.