March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Flag Salute and Moment of Silence
4. Public Discussion
5. Recognition of Contributions and Donations:
6. Consent Agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, modification, and approval of the following items:
6.1. Minutes for regular board meeting on February 10, 2025
6.2. Treasurer’s Reports:
6.3. Encumbrances to be approved:
6.4. Facilities Use:
1. Sparks Basketball to use the Middle School Gym for Basketball Practice from March 2025 until June 2025. Sponsor M.Constant 2. High School Class of 2025 to use the Auditorium on May 15, 2025 for Senior Awards. Sponsor A.Angel 3.High School Class of 2025 to use the Auditorium for a Senior Showcase on May 15, 2025. Sponsor A.Angel 4. High School Class of 2025 to use the Baseball field and Indoor facility for a Senior Picnic on May 14, 2025. Sponsor A.Angel 5. High School Seniors to use the OFASA Lobby for CPR Training on March 11, 2025. Sponsor R.Wilson |
6.5. Fundraisers
6.6. New Activity Account
6.7. Out-of-State Trips:
7. Superintendent, Directors, and Principal Reports and Possible Actions.
7.1. Discussion and possible action regarding approving to Adjunct Cesar Zepeda as High School Physical Education Teacher for SY 24-25.
7.2. Discussion and possible action regarding a renewal contract with ADPC Software.
7.3. Discussion and possible action regarding a renewal contract with Marcos Lares Mowing Company.
7.4. Discussion and possible action regarding a IEP Service Agreement with Putnam City schools.
7.5. Discussion and possible action regarding a contract with Jostens for the Greenvale Yearbook.
7.6. Discussion and possible action regarding Mathematics and Science courses that can be taken by 10th-12th graders for high school credit from a Career Technology Tech Center.
7.7. Discussion and possible action regarding a agreement with AInsight or ACCUFAX for the district background check sytem.
7.8. Discussion and possible action regarding a Bed Bug Protocol.
7.9. Discussion and possible action regarding a contract with Lexia.
7.10. Discussion and possible action regarding accepting a donation for Caps and Gowns from an anonymous donor.
7.11. Discussion and possible action regarding declaring items on Exhibit B Surplus.
7.12. Presentation update from Academic Team (John Glenn will present)
7.13. Presentation update from Julie Moore COO on Operations.
7.14. Superintendent's Report from Brayden Savage
8. Discussion and possible action regarding the following Board Policies:
8.1. 2.001 Fiscal Mangement
8.2. 2.002 Contract Signing
8.3. 2.003 Gifts To Staff Members/Accepting Gratuities
8.4. 2.010 Copyrighted Material
8.5. 2.100 Superintendent
8.6. 2.101 Review of Adminstrative Decision
8.7. 2.102 Hiring Employees Within The District
8.8. 2.301 Ordering Individuals Off School Grounds
9. Discussion and possible vote to convene into executive session for the following purposes:
A.Discuss the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, disciplining or resignation of certified and support employees listed on Exhibit A pursuant to Title 25 O.S. §307(B)(1); B.Conducting an evaluation of Brayden Savage Superintendent of Schools, pursuant to title 25, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 307 (B)(1): |
9.1. Acknowledge the end of executive session and return to open meeting.
9.2. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of the persons listed on Exhibit A.
9.3. Discussion and possible action regarding to re-hire superintendent Dr. Brayden Savage.
10. Information Items: The next regular Board Meeting will be April 14, 2025 at 6:00pm at Council Grove Elementary, 8401 7721 Melrose LN.
11. Board Member Comments:
12. New Business:
13. Adjournment