January 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Flag Salute and Moment of Silence
4. Public Discussion
5. Consent Agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, modification, and approval of the following items:
5.1. Minutes for regular board meeting on December 9, 2025
5.2. Treasurer’s Reports:
5.3. Encumbrances to be approved:
5.4. Facilities Use:
5.5. Fundraisers
5.6. Discussion and possible action regarding a contract with Josten's to make the John Glenn Yearbook.
6. Superintendent, Directors, and Principal Reports and Possible Actions.
6.1. Discussion and possible action regarding a contract with John Standerfer for Individual or Group Speech Language pathology therapy services.
6.2. Discussion and possible action regarding a Memorandum of Understanding with Peaceful Family Oklahoma School Programs for trauma-informed, evidence-based support for students to foster resilience, well-being and academic success.
6.3. Discussion and possible action regarding approving the 25-26 School Year Calendar.
6.4. Presentation update from Academic Team
6.5. Presentation update from Julie Moore COO on Operations.
* Update from Keystone Foodservice |
6.6. Superintendent's Report from Brayden Savage
7. Discussion and possible action regarding the following Board Policies:
7.1. 1.001 Compliance Statement
7.2. 1.110 Operational Philosophy of Board of Education
7.3. 1.200 Composition of the Board of Education
7.4. 1.210 Officers
7.5. 1.211 President
7.6. 1.212 Vice President
7.7. 1.213 Clerk
7.8. 1.300 Meeting Regular and Special
7.9. 1.310 Rules of Order
7.10. 1.311 Executive Sessions
7.11. 1.313 Public Participation at School Board Meetings
7.12. 1.314 Board Level Hearing Procedures for Employee Grievances and Complaints
7.13. 1.315 Board of Education Code of Ethics
7.14. 1.400 Duties of the Board of Education and its Officers
7.15. 1.401 Complaints Regarding Staff Members
7.16. 1.402 Transportation
7.17. 1.403 School Security Practice and Procedures
7.18. 1.404 Child Nutrition
7.19. 1.405 Custodial and Maintenance
7.20. 1.406 Assignment of Activity Trips
7.21. 1.407 Wellness Policy
7.22. 1.408 Abitraage/Tax Exempt Bond Tax Compliance Guidelines
7.23. 1.409 Tornado Procedures
7.24. 1.410 Research by Individuals and/ or Institutions
7.25. 1.411 Development Opportunities: Board Members
7.26. 1.412 Board Policies
7.27. 1.413 Investment Policy
7.28. 1.415 Electronic Records, Contracts, and Signatures
7.29. 1.416 Record Retention
7.30. 1.417 Board of Education Meetings Videoconference Regulations
8. Discussion and possible vote to convene into executive session for the following purposes:
A.Discuss the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, disciplining or resignation of certified and support employees listed on Exhibit A pursuant to Title 25 O.S. §307(B)(1); |
8.1. Acknowledge the end of executive session and return to open meeting.
8.2. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of the persons listed on Exhibit A.
9. Information Items: The next regular Board Meeting will be February 10, 2025 at 6:00pm at the Western Heights Administration Board Room, 8401 SW 44th Street.
10. Board Member Comments:
11. New Business:
12. Adjournment