September 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Flag Salute and Moment of Silence
4. Consent Agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, modification, and approval of the following items:
4.1. Facilities Use:
1. Western Heights Indian Education Program to use the High School North Lobby, Concessions and Theater for Indigenous Day Event on Monday October 9th, 2023 2. Bridgestone Cheer to have Cheer Tryouts on September 30th, 2023. Sponsor A.Troyer |
4.2. Fundraisers
5. Superintendent, Directors, and Principal Reports and Possible Actions.
5.1. Discussion and possible action regarding a proposal with AWAREITY for annual software subscription and support.
5.2. Discussion and possible action regarding the FY 22 Audit Findings.
5.3. Discussion and possible action regarding the Estimate of Needs.
5.4. Discussion and possible action about an engagement letter from Mary Johnson office for FY23 audit.
6. Information Items: The next regular Board Meeting will be October 9, 2023 at 6:00pm at Greenvale Elementary, 901 Greenvale Road, Oklahoma City, OK..
7. Board Member Comments:
8. Adjournment