December 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call meeting to order
Roll call and record names of members present
Pledge of Allegiance
This month at OTPS:
Recognize and hear from visitors (public participation)
Treasurer's Report
Student Recognition
Assistant Superintendent's Report
-Professional Development -Federal Programs -Teaching and Learning |
-Title IX Compliance Report
Superintendent's Report
-Special Education Monitoring Results -OTPS Accreditation Status -School Board Election Status -Report and Discussion on 2025 Bond Issue |
CONSENT AGENDA (These items may be approved by one Board motion, unless any Board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items).
Discussion and Consideration for approval of the minutes of the following board of education meetings:
-Regular meeting on November 11, 2024 -Special meeting on November 14, 2024 |
Discussion and Consideration for approval of the following warrants and encumbrances:
-General Fund Encumbrances: 302-323 -General Fund Warrants: 1054-1486 -Building Fund Encumbrances: 64-70 -Building Fund Warrants: 230-246 -Sinking Fund Encumbrance: 2 -Sinking Fund Payment: 1
Discussion and Consideration for approval of financial reports, (General Fund, Building Fund, Building Bond Funds, Activity Funds).
Discussion and Consideration for approval of the following activity fund transfers:
Discussion and Consideration for approval of the following fundraiser requests:
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving the "Disclosure of Free and Reduced-Price Information Agreement" with the Cherokee Nation for the 2024-2025 school year.
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving updates to the Upper Elementary Discipline Matrix
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving a High School Environmental Club
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving Contract Renewal Addendum (e-rate) with Bolt for 10 Gbps Leased Lit Fiber Circuits
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving Contract Renewal Addendum (e-rate) with Bolt for Internet Access 5 Gbps Dedicated Fiber Circuit
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on authorizing Brent Kellogg, School Board President, signatory authority for accounts at RCB Bank, Checking #**5424; Money Market #**8499; Bond Account #**4092
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on authorizing Joe Koster, School Board Clerk, signatory authority for accounts at RCB Bank, Checking #**5424; Money Market #**8499; Bond Account #**4092
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving a Bible Study Club at OHS
Proposed executive session to discuss Resignations, Hiring of Personnel and/or Extra Duty Assignments. Pursuant to 25 O.S. Sect. 307(B)(1) and (7) of the Open Meeting Law. Items to be discussed are:
-Resignations: Jessica Porter, Susanna Fitzgerald -Hiring: UE SPED Teacher, OLE 1st Grade Teacher, UE Paraprofessional |
Vote to convene or not to convene into executive session
Acknowledge Board has returned to open session.
Statement of Board President of executive session minutes compliance
Vote to accept or not accept submitted resignation(s) as listed below:
-Jessica Porter, Paraprofessional, effective November 22, 2024 -Susanna Fitzgerald, Spec Ed Teacher, effective December 20,2024 |
Motion and vote to employ or not employ a recommended applicant for the position/s listed below:
-Upper Elementary Special Education Teacher on a temporary contract for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year -Oologah Lower Elementary 1st Grade Teacher on a temporary contract for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year -Oologah Upper Elementary Paraprofessional for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year |