February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Oakdale Public School Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda | |
1. Routine Items:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
2. Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence
3. Public Comment:
All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be open to the public and any regular meeting shall include an opportunity for the public to address the Board. Public Comments are limited to three (3) minutes and must be related to an agenda item or topic. Members of the public wishing to address the board must sign up before the meeting. Where several people wish to address the same subject, a spokesperson must be selected. The Board President may interrupt and terminate any comments that are not in accordance with any of these criteria or in keeping with Board Policy BED. Board members may not respond to speakers’ comments. See attachment. |
4. Staff Reports & Presentations
5. Consent Agenda:
The following items concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at Board meetings. They will be considered and voted on together as a group with one vote; provided that any Board member may ask that one or more items be considered and voted on separately. The Consent Agenda includes discussion, consideration, and possible action upon the following items:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5.1. Approve minutes of the Jan 14, 2025 regular board meeting.
5.2. Accept Treasurer's Report including: Financial statements, fund balances, expenditures, revenue, warrants, bank summary, bond reports, and investments) for the month ending Jan 31, 2025.
5.3. Approve Encumbrances
5.4. General Fund Payments #1581-#1844
5.5. Building Fund Payments #228-#238
5.6. Activity Fund #149-#195
5.7. Bond 37 Payments #33-#39
6. Discussion and possible action on stipends for certified staff covering classes.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Dr. Carl Johnson to present dropout report as required by OAC 210:35-25-4
8. Discussion and possible action on resignations.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9. Executive Session: Motion to enter into executive session to discuss hiring district facility director and custodian pursuant to [25 O.S. §307(B)(1)]
9.1. Vote to convene or not convene in executive session.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9.2. Acknowledge board's return to open session. |
9.3. Executive session compliance announcement.
10. Discussion and possible action(s) on hiring district facility director and custodian as presented.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. Adjourn
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.