January 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Flag Salute
3. Record of Attendance
4. Public comments; concerning agenda items only.
5. Board to take action on the employment of Stephen H. McDonald & Associates, Inc. as Financial Consultant to the School District.
6. Board to consider and take action on a resolution authorizing the calling and holding of a special election to be held in the School District to authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds.
7. Affirm election results of Board Member Seat No. 5.
8. Financial Report.
9. Consent Agenda a-d.
9.a. Activity Fund Report.
9.b. Minutes of regular meeting on December 9, 2024
9.c. Contract with Educational Diagnostics and Consultation, Incorprated for the 2024-2025 school year
9.d. District capacity numbers and transfer vacancies effective January 7, 2025.
10. Discussion and action to approve Student Transfers policy for the 2024-2025 school year.
11. Discussion and action to surplus 91 band uniforms for band fundraiser.
12. General fund purchase orders 290-293 and change order, payroll purchase orders 50203-50208, building fund purchase order 14 and change order.
13. Principals and Special Ed director reports.
14. Motion, second, discussion and vote to go into executive session, for the purpose of discussing the following items pursuant to O.S. Title 25, Sections 307 (B) (1)
14.a. Evaluation of Superintendent for the 2024-2025 school year
14.b. Board to discuss and make possible updates to the superintendent's contract.
15. Motion, second and vote to acknowledge Board has returned to open session.
16. Executive session compliance report.
17. Action on executive session items.
17.a. Evaluation of Superintendent for the 2024-2025 school year
17.b. Board to discuss and make possible updates to the superintendent's contract.
18. Superintendent’s report.
19. New Business:
20. Adjournment