November 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order, roll call of members, and establish a quorum.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Moment of Silence.
Opening Remarks by the Board Chair.
CONSENT AGENDA: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. If any item requires discussion, it shall be removed from the consent agenda by majority action by the board of education and addressed separately from the consent agenda. The consent agenda consists of the approval of the following items:
1. Vote to approve the new encumbrances as follows:
1.(A) GENERAL FUND 11 FY: 25
No new encumbrances. Change orders: PO # 22 in the amount of $2,000.00 PO # 189 in the amount of $13.43 PO # 194 in the amount of -$25,835.70 (closure) |
1.(B) BUILDING FUND 21: FY: 25
New encumbrances 23 and 24 in the amount of $1,750.00. |
No new encumbrances. Change Orders: PO # 2 in the amount of $39,640.00 |
2. Discussion and possible action to approve the renewal of the Jostens contract for the 2025-2026 school year.
3. Treasurer's Report.
1. Activity Report
2. Correspondence
3. Elementary Principal's Report
a) Enrollment b) Elementary Update |
4. High School Principal's Report
a) Athletic Update |
5. Superintendent's Report
a) Cell Phone Policy b) Capital Improvements |
1. Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting held October 7, 2024.
2. Discussion and possible action to approve the 2025 Cimarron Board of Education meeting dates.
3. Discussion and possible action regarding the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education contract for the 2024-2025 school year.
4. Discussion and possible action to surplus Freezer # 4364.
5. Discussion and possible action regarding the Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies (LETRS) Training Stipend.
6. Discussion and possible action to approve a contract with Provident Payments for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.
7. Discussion and possible action to rename the Band Activity Fund account to the Fine Arts Activity Fund account (to include Speech, Band, Art & Music) within the Activity Fund.
8. Discussion and possible action to open an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) account within the Activity Fund.
9. Discussion and possible action to approve the following fundraisers for the Fine Arts account: MPACT Fundraising, Candy Bars, Pretzel Rods & Popcorn, Donations/Grants, Lahoma 4th of July Celebration, Ice Cream Sales, Cimarron Days, Cinnamon Rolls to be used for Supplies, Awards, Donations, Memorials, Trips, Entry Fees, Projects, Travel
10. Discussion and possible action to approve the following fundraiser for the FCA activity fund account: Donations and Bake Sale to be used to pay for Trips, Meals, Donations, Memorials & Fees.
11. Discussion and possible action to approve the following fundraiser for the Student Council Activity Fund Account: "Chuck A Duck" from November through February with funds being used to update and refinish the sensory pathway located by the JH building.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding the closure of the Speech Activity Fund Account.
13. Discussion and possible action regarding the Cimarron All Sports Boosters Activity Fund account.
14. Discussion and possible action regarding Athletic Events.
1. Proposed Executive Session to 1) Discuss the employment of Support Staff for the 2024-2025 school year. 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1)
2. Vote to convene or not to convene into Executive Session
3. Acknowledge board's return to open session.
4. Discussion and possible board action to discuss the employment of Support Staff for the 2024-2025 school year.