February 11, 2025 at 12:00 PM - Regular Meeting for the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call of members.
3. Introduction of guests.
4. Vote on the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 14, 2025.
5. Vote on the agenda as part of the minutes and any new business that could not reasonably be foreseen 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
6. Vote on warrants and encumbrances: 2024-25 General Fund Encumbrance No. 839 to 959; 70227 to 70232; Building Fund No.18 to 20; and any change orders that apply to approved purchase orders.
7. Financial Reports
7.A. Activity Fund and Transfer Reports
7.B. Treasurer's Report on General and Building Funds and Investments
8. Vote on activity, treasurer, and investment reports.
9. Vote on temporary personnel contracts for 2024-25 as listed on agenda as Attachment "A".
10. Vote on declaring items listed on Attachment "B" as surplus property and allowing the Board and Superintendent to legally dispose of at their discretion.
11. Vote on the interview committee's recommendation to hire a Bus Driver and Maintenance/Custodian at the Burns Flat Campus, effective February 3, 2025, contingent upon satisfactory National Criminal History Records Search.
12. Vote on the resignation of Sandra Sheets, Registrar, effective June 30, 2025, and seek replacement.
13. Vote on renewal of service agreement with ADPC for Trends financial accounting software and off-site backup services for fiscal year 2025-26.
14. Discuss and vote on renewal of commercial multi-peril property and building insurance and auto insurance policy with Berrong Insurance Agency.
15. Vote to ratify the OK CARE Co-Op-USDA agreement between Western Technology Center and member schools (Sentinel School to be fiscal agent).
16. Superintendent's Report
16.A. Update on current projects utilizing One-time Allocation Funds from the legislature.
17. Proposed executive session to discuss renewal/non-renewal of contracts for Danny Britton, Business and Industry Services Director; Pamela Clark, Chief Financial Officer; and Audie Corning, BIS Campus Director-Weatherford; Christy Glasscock, Sayre Campus Director; Jeff Lewallen, Asst. Superintendent/Director of Instruction; Zane Trammel, Director of Student Services; for FY 2025-26.
The President of the Board will designate the executive session minutes compliance clerk. 25 O.S. § 307(B) (1). |
18. Vote to convene or not convene in executive session.
19. Acknowledge board's return to open session.
20. Executive session compliance announcement.
21. Minutes compliance clerk will report on executive session.
22. Vote on renewal/non-renewal of contracts for Danny Britton, Pamela Clark, Audie Corning, Christy Glasscock, Jeff Lewallen, and Zane Trammell for FY 2025-26.
23. New Business: in accordance with 25 O.S. §311(A)(9), this is limited to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting this agenda.
24. Announcements.
25. Adjourn.