February 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call
Flag Salute
Compliance Statement
Presentation and report of 2022-23 financial audit from auditor's office - Kerry Patton, CPA.
Consent Agenda
Minutes of the regular meeting on January 8, 2024, and the special meeting on February 7, 2024.
Monthly financial report of activity fund
Financial Report/Superintendent's Report
Approve agenda as posted
Building Principal Update
Presentation and update of athletic programs by Lisa O'Kelley, Athletic Director.
Business Items
Approve purchase orders and encumbrances
General Fund Payroll #50331-50353
General Fund Goods and Services PO # 391-427
Building Fund PO # 49-56
Child Nutrition PO # 34-36
Building Bond Fund PO # N/A
Change Orders N/A
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve bond requisitions.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve fundraiser requests.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve renaming the Girls Track activity account (813) to "Track" and deleting the Boys Track account (809).
Discuss and vote to approve or not add an activity account for a Golf Booster Club (repurpose 812 - elementary wrestling) per the attached bylaws.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the transfer capacity for third quarter of 23-24 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve adding BOE policy DEC-R2 (attached.)
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a contract with Tri-City Learning to provide online schooling for the remainder of the 23-24 SY and the 24-25 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a contract to lease a personal vehicle for the girls' soccer team to take to Alabama, during spring break, for a tournament.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the attached list of technology for surplus.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve declaring the district food truck as surplus.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a contract with OKTLE to provide an online certified staff evaluation system.
Acknowledge and discuss any resignations.
Proposed executive session to discuss hiring a paraprofessional for special education, a custodian for the 5th & 6th grades, Principal for SW Behavioral Center, Principal for the Primary, Principal for the Intermediate, principal for the 5th & 6th grade, Principal for the Middle School, Assistant Principals for the High School, Principal for the High School, District Special Education Director, District School Nurse, District School Nurse Assistant, District Psychometrist/Psychologist, District Speech Pathologists, District Physical Therapist, Athletic Director, Asst Speech Path/Occupational Therapist, DOD Grant Directors, Athletic Director, Facilities/Safety Director. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1)
Vote to convene into executive session.
Acknowledge board's return to open session.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Heather Pierson as a special education paraprofessional for the remainder of the 23-24SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Jennifer Goodin as a housekeeper at the 5th & 6th grade school for the remainder of the 23-24 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Shanna Purser as the Principal for the SW Behavior Center for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Jackie Green as the principal at the Primary school for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Dana Moore as the principal at the Intermediate school for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Jennifer Sweat as the principal of the 5th & 6th school for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Mitch Ange as the principal of the Middle School for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Jason Heidebrecht as an Assistant Principal for the High School for the 23-24 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Melanie Nungesser as the principal of the High School for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Jeff Fletcher as the Assistant Principal for the High School for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Bryan Pierce as the District Special Education Director for the 24-25SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Beth Hance as the District School Nurse for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Karianne Marcum as the District Nurse Assistant for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Lacey Daubenspeck as the District Psychometrist/Psychologist for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Brittany Mansel as a District Speech Pathologist for the 24-25 SY
Vote to approve or not approve Kara Anderson as a District Speech Pathologist for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Jean Goodman as the District Physical Therapist for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Lisa O'Kelley as the District Athletic Director for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Lonnie Nunley as the Safety/Facilities Director for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Lauren Lafferty as the Speech Path Asst/ Occupational Therapy Asst for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Debbie Hoffman as a DOD Grant Director for the 24-25 SY.
Vote to approve or not approve hiring Shilo Dodd as a DOD Grant Director for the 24-25 SY.
New Business