June 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call
Flag Salute
Compliance Statement
Consent Agenda
Minutes of the regular meeting on May 9th, 2022, and special board meeting on May 13, 2022.
Monthly financial report of activity fund
Financial Report/Superintendent's Report
Approve agenda as posted
Building Principal Update
Business Items
Approve purchase orders and encumbrances
General Fund Payroll #50336-50337
General Fund Goods and Services PO # 566-577
Building Fund PO # 81-83
Child Nutrition PO # 50-51
Building Bond Fund PO # N/A
COOP Fund PO # 8
Change Orders N/A
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve bond requisitions. NO BOND PURCHASES TO APPROVE.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a lease agreement with Southwest Education Ministries for $1.00/month for the use of Lawton Christian School.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve fundraiser requests.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a fund transfer in the amount of $80,591.97 from Child Nutrition Fund to the General Fund to reimburse a percentage of Tammie Reynolds, Peter Heijny, Brian Pierce, Robert Perea, Vicky Perry, and James Parker's salaries for services provided to Child Nutrition.
Discuss and vote to approve or not to approve the transfer of $20,952.38 from the COOP Fund to the General Fund for repayment of a percentage of Tammy Fritz's salary to service the CHS Alternative Education Program.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve using hours instead of days for the 2022-2023 school calendar based on 1080 hours in accordance with HB 1864.
Discuss and vote to approve or not to approve an agreement with Southwestern Medical Center to provide educational services at the Southwestern Behavioral Health Center for the 2022-2023 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not to approve an additional contract to OKTLE to provide online services for principal McREL evaluations.
Discuss and vote to approve or not to approve a contract with Cheryl Stover for required consultation on Blind or Visually impaired students who are serviced on an IEP.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a proposal from Oklahoma School Assurance Group (OSAG) for Worker's Compensation Insurance for 2022-2023 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a proposal from Oklahoma Schools Insurance Group (OSIG) for property and casualty insurance for the 2022-23 SY.
Acknowledge and discuss any resignations.
Proposed executive session to discuss hiring a HS English Teacher, an Elementary Sped Teacher, a First Grade Teacher, a paraprofessional for the Primary, a teacher assistant for the Intermediate. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1)
Vote to convene into executive session.
Acknowledge board's return to open session.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve hiring Walter Kerrick as a HS English Teacher on a temporary contract for the 22-23 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve hiring Shaleah Cullins as a Special Education Teacher on a continuing contract for the 22-23 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve hiring Baileigh Cable as a first-grade teacher on a temporary contract for the 22-23 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve hiring Mistie Dears as a paraprofessional for the Primary for the 22-23 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve hiring Chad Rodgers as a paraprofessional for the Intermediate for the 22-23 SY.
New Business