June 13, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Special Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Consent Agenda: All the following items which concern reports of routine nature.
a. 21-22 Payroll change orders, reports & encumbrances 21-22 General Fund change orders, reports & encumbrances 131-141 22-23 General Fund Encumbrances 1-98 21-22 Child Nutrition Fund change orders, reports 22-23 Child Nutrition Encumbrances 1-13 21-22 Bond Funds reports 21-22 Sinking Fund reports & Encumbrance 2 b. Treasurer's Report c. Activity Fund Reports d. Minutes of the May 9th, 2022, May 16th, and May 23rd, 2022 special meetings. |
3. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve the following Fundraiser requests:
JH/HS Cheer Football Boys Basketball FFA AG BOOSTERS FCA |
4. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve the renewal quote from OSIG for property/casualty/liability and auto insurance for the 2022-2023 school year.
5. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve membership with OPSRC for the 2022-2023 school year.
6. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve use of property request from Fellowship Baptist Church for a bus July 25-30, 2022.
7. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve use of property request from Friends of the Library for MPB July 11 and October 13, 2022, Bingo fundraiser.
8. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve the request from Laura Morphew for use of the Homer Ray Gym and parking lot for the Walk for Trey on September 10, 2022.
9. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve Nepotism Policy-BAAB
10. Board to convene into executive session to discuss the following items Pursuant to ( 5 O.S. Section 307 (b) (1).
a. Hiring Elementary Certified Teacher on Temporary contract for 2022-2023 school year b. Hiring High school Certified Teacher(s) on a temporary contract for the 2022-2023 school year c. Hiring Cafeteria staff for the 2022-2023 school year d. Resignations |
11. Board to reconvene into open session. No other items were discussed and no vote was taken according to Oklahoma Statutes. Persons in executive session were:
12. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve a part-time high school math teacher on a temporary contract for the 2022-2023 school year.
13. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve hiring a certified elementary teacher on a temporary contract for the 2022-2023 school year.
14. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve hiring a certified JH/HS Math teacher on a temporary contract for the 2022-2023 school year
15. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve hiring a certified JH/HS Science teacher on a temporary contract for the 2022-2023 school year
16. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve hiring a certified JH/HS General Studies teacher on a temporary contract for the 2022-2023 school year.
17. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve hiring cafeteria personnel for the 2022-2023 school year.
18. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve hiring cafeteria personnel for the 2022-2023 school year.
19. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve hiring cafeteria personnel for the 2022-2023 school year.
20. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve hiring cafeteria personnel for the 2022-2023 school year.
21. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve the resignation of Rachel Villars.
22. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve resignation of Shon Villars.
23. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve the resignation of Karin Cox.
24. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve the resignation of Lori Kardokus.
25. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve resignation of Steven Sullivan.
26. Discussion, motion, and vote to approve/not approve the resignation of Kara Sanders.
27. Discussion of future district development.
28. Administrative Reports
29. Adjournment