May 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting Agenda
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Roll Call.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Superintendent Comments.
4. Recognitions/Presentations
Tina Swayze- Highlight 3rd Grade Music Program Meeting Computer Science Requirements 24-25-Carolyn Anyong JC Leonard- Stephen McDonald Bond options |
5. Statements from the public (registered with the Board Minutes Clerk prior to the meeting).
6. Consent Agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent consists of discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
6.A. Minutes for 4/8/24, regular meeting and 4/17/24 special meeting
6.B. April Treasurer's Investment Ledgers.
6.C. Encumbrances and warrants as listed:
General Fund - $184,000.71; General Fund Special P/R - $48,415.79; Building Fund - $50,612.94; Child Nutrition Fund - $59,670.23; Bond Fund - 0.00; Sinking Fund - 0.00. |
6.D. April Activity Fund Financial Reports and Fund Transfers.
6.E. Agreement with Visual Senses (Nikki Keck), Educational Consultants for the 24/25 school year, Agreement with J.D. McCarty Center (Physical Therapy) for the 24/25 school year
6.F. Summer School proposals
6.G. 2024-2025 Service Agreement with OSSBA
6.H. 2024-2025 Agreement with CCOSA District Level Services
6.I. 2024-2025 agreement with CC&E professional services
6.J. Eduskills LLC renewal for 2024-2025
6.K. Renaissance subscription renewal for 2024-2025
6.L. Imagine Learning renewal 2024-2025
6.M. NWEA renewal for 2024-2025
6.N. Keystone Food Service Agreement renewal for 2024-2025
6.O. 2024-2025 GCN Renewal
6.P. Create new sub account for HS Archery
6.Q. Create sub account for PHS show choir
6.R. Fundraisers: JH Cheer, HS Bball, HS Baseball, HS Choir, HS Show Choir, HS Music Theatre
6.S. A new board policies recommended by OSSBA policy services CKAJ-Surveillance Cameras and EFEA- Artificial Intelligence Systems and Tools Use in the School District.
6.T. Goldsby Construction contract for FEMA and other possible construction projects.
7. Discussion and possible board action to approve a resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (USAC) for 2024-25. This resolution authorizes filing of the Form 471 application(s) for funding year 2024-25 and the payment of the applicant's share upon approval of finding and receipt of services.
8. Discussion and possible board action to approve TSA out of state trip for 12 students and 1 sponsor to attend Nationals in Orlando, Florida June 24 - July 1 and provide each student with a $100 gift card per diem allowance for meals/snacks paid out of TSA Activity fund
9. Discussion and possible board action to create Level 1 Tech position and approve job description
10. Consideration and vote to enter into executive session to discuss recommended hires, district reassignments, and resignations on attached Exhibit A, Rehiring of Non-Certified personnel for the 24/25 school year on attached Exhibit B pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1)
11. Acknowledge return to open session and statement of Executive Session minutes.
12. Discussion and possible board action to approve recommended hires, district reassignments, and resignations on attached Exhibit A
13. Discussion and possible board action to approve rehiring of Non-Certified personnel for the 24/25 school year on attached Exhibit B
14. Consideration of new business.
15. Consideration of motion to adjourn.