May 9, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting Agenda
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Roll Call.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Superintendent Comments.
4. Recognitions/Presentations.
5. Statements from the public (registered with the Board Minutes Clerk prior to the meeting).
6. Consent Agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent consists of discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
6.A. Minutes for April 11,2022, regular meeting.
6.B. April Treasurer's Investment Ledgers.
6.C. Encumbrances and warrants as listed:
General Fund - $144,436.62; General Fund Special P/R - $28,016.87; Building Fund - $7,426.49; Child Nutrition Fund - $68,030.85; Bond Fund -$0.00; Sinking Fund - $620,381.25.
6.D. April Activity Fund Financial Reports and Fund Transfers.
6.E. 2022-2023 Oklahoma State School Boards Association (OSSBA) membership
6.F. 2022-2023 Rental Agreement with the McClain County Health Department
6.G. 2022-2023 Rental Agreement with Norman Regional Hospital Authority d/b/a Norman Regional Health System (TSET program)
6.H. 2022-2023 Rental Agreement with the City of Purcell for the Public Library
6.I. Speech Language Services Agreement with Odyssey Speech Therapy, LLC, July 1,2022 -May 12,2023; Angela Smith, July 1,2022-May 12,2023; Cyndi Grissom, July 1,2022-May 12,2023; Great Days Therapy LLC, July 1,2022-May 12,2023: JD McCarty Center, July 1,2022 - June 30,2023
7. Discussion and possible board action to approve the following board policies as recommended by Oklahoma State School Board Association: CKAE (new)- Drug, Alcohol and Contraband Searchers CKAE-R (new)- Drugs, Alcohol and Contraband Searches (Regulation); FNF-E (new)- Student Searches Checklist; BEC (new)- Executive Sessions; BEA (new)- School Board Meetings Agenda Preparation and Dissemination; EGG (current/revision)- Prohibition of Race and Sex Discrimination in Curriculum and Complaint Process; FMFE (new)- Spectator Code of Conduct Athletics Program: FEF Student Transfers for Children of Employees (revised).
8. Discussion and possible board action to approve a $5000 stipend for a Strength and Conditioning coach for the 2022-2023 school year.
9. Consideration and vote to enter into executive session to discuss Recommended Hires, District Reassignments, and Resignations/Retirements on attached Exhibit A, Reemployment of individuals on attached Exhibit B, non-certified contract for the 22-23 school year
10. Acknowledge return to open session and statement of Executive Session minutes.
11. Discussion and possible board action to approve Recommended Hires, District Reassignments, and Resignations on attached Exhibit A
12. Discussion and possible board action to approve reemployment of individuals listed on attached Exhibit B, non-certified contract for the 22-23 school year
13. Consideration of new business.
14. Consideration of motion to adjourn.