Minutes | |
1.A. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
1.B. Roll Call
2.A. Receive bids, consider, and award the District's $2,800,000 General Obligation Combined Purpose Bonds, Series 2024, to the successful purchaser.
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Zack Robinson from BOK Financial Securities presented the bids received.
2.B. Possible consideration and vote to approve a resolution providing for the issuance of the $2,800,000 General Obligation Combined Purpose Bonds, Series 2024, by Independent School District Number 8 of Texas County, Oklahoma, authorized at an election duly called and held for such purposes; prescribing form of bonds and providing for registration thereof, providing for a levy of an annual tax for payment of principal and interest on the same; approving a continuing disclosure agreement; approving and deeming final the official statement pertaining to the bonds; and fixing other details.
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2.C. Board to consider and take action on a motion approving the renewal of the Sublease Agreement dated March 1, 2018, between the Guymon School District and the Texas County Development Authority for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, as required under the provisions of the agreement.
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2.D. Consider and take action with respect to a Resolution approving a Sublease Purchase Agreement pertaining to the acquisition and financing of improvements to school buildings and facilities; approving an Escrow and Paying Agent Agreement; approving the forms of Sublease Purchase Agreement, Ground Lease Agreement, Tax Regulatory Agreement, Continuing Disclosure Agreement, and Official Statement; approving other documents and certificates related thereto; and containing other provisions related thereto.
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INDIVIDUALS HAVING A PHYSICAL CONDITION THAT PREVENTS THEM FROM ATTENDING THE BOARD MEETING ARE REQUESTED TO CONTACT THIS OFFICE NO LATER THAN 3:00 PM ON THE DAY OF SAID MEETING SO ARRANGEMENTS MAY BE MADE TO ACCOMODATE SAID INDIVIDUALS. I, Kari Montgomery, posted this agenda on the _______ day of _________________, ______, on the front door of the Administration Building, 111 NW 11th St, Guymon, OK 73942. __________________________________ ______________ __________ Kari Mongomery, CFO Date Time
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