Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call, Moment of Silence, Flag Salute
1.A. Election of Officers
1.A.1. Election of Officers
1.A.2. Election of Officers
1.A.3. Election of Officers
2. Approval of Minutes: Approval of Minutes of the Board of Education Regular Board of Education Meeting of February 12, 2018, Special Board Meeting February 28, 2018 and March 12,2018
3. Recognition of Guests:
3.A. Mrs. Meyer
3.B. Open Forum
3.C. Others
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Fund Raisers
4.A.1. GJHS HALO-Mrs. Aubrey
4.A.2. Alma Folkloric-Mrs. Mora
4.A.3. Business Class-Mrs. Curtis
4.A.4. JH & HS Athletics-Mr. Brown & Mr. Chapman
4.A.5. HS STUCO-Mrs. Reynolds
5. Approval of Encumbrances: Approval of Encumbrances No. 1206-1351 in the amount of $532,924.51 from the 2017-18 General Fund; Encumbrances No. - in the amount of $-- from the 2017-18 Building Fund; Encumbrance No. 8 in the amount of $139,538.09 from the 2017-18 Building Bond Fund
6. Superintendent's Report:
6.A. Financial
6.A.1. Monetary Funds Report
6.A.2. Investment Report
6.A.3. Activity Funds Report
6.B. General Information
6.B.1. Bond & Principal and Central Office Presentation on Test Scores
6.B.2. School Security
6.B.3. Curriculum Issues
6.B.4. Federal Programs and Operations
6.B.5. Other
7. Unfinished Business
7.A. None
8. Current Business
8.A. Discussion with Possible Action on Approving One to One Initiative for Junior High and High School
8.B. Discussion with Possible Action on Approving the 2018-19 Calendar
8.C. Discussion with Possible Action on Approving the School Audit for 2016-17
8.D. Discussion with Possible Action on Approving Putnam and Company PLLC for the 2017-18 Audit
8.E. Discussion on Adding Additional Counselor
8.F. Discussion with Possible Action on Approving Letting out the Bids on the JH and High School Bathrooms
8.G. Discussion with Possible Action on Approving the Superintendent to Open and Accept the Bids on the JH and High School Bathrooms
8.H. Discussion with Possible Action on the Resolution on Possible Teacher Walkout
8.I. Proposed Executive Sessions (25 O.S. Sec. 307 (B) (1))
8.I.1. Executive Session to Discuss Resignations, Hiring of Certified and Non-Certified Personnel, Student Related Actions, Student Hearings, and other Personnel Actions, Attorney-Client Information and Consultation, and/or Security and Acts of Terrorism for the 2017-18 School Years.
8.I.2. Vote to Return to Open Session and Statement of Purpose of Executive Session and those Present were Mike Ray, Elvia Hernandez, Vickie McKinnon, Carla Hernandez, Sally Hawkins, Doug Melton, Bret Rider and Dixie Purdy
8.J. Vote to Approve the Hiring of Certified and Non-Certified Personnel and Resignations:
8.J.1. Hiring for School Year 2017-2018 & 2018-2019
8.J.1.1. Julie Hicks-School Nurse
8.J.1.2. Nathalija Adame-JH Special Ed Aide
8.J.2. Resignations
8.J.2.1. Amairany Pena-HL 1st Grade(effective 5-25-18)
8.J.2.2. Cheryl Collier-HL 1st Grade(effective 2-23-18)
8.J.2.3. Dallas Sircy-JH Tech Ed(effective 5-25-18)
8.J.2.4. Stratton Blasingame-Food Truck Driver(effective 2-23-18)
8.J.2.5. Jarrod LaRoche-Band(effective 5-25-18)
8.J.2.6. Jeanette Roberts-HS English-Retirement(effective 5-25-18)
8.J.2.7. Zachary Underwood-JH English(effective 5-25-18)
8.J.2.8. Tanner Aubrey-JH/HS Vocal(effective 5-25-18)
8.J.2.9. Gay Cheree Turley-NP Special Ed Aide(effective 3-9-18)
8.J.2.10. Valeria Cardenas-JH Special Ed Aide(effective 3-13-18)
8.J.3. Discussion with Possible Action on Adding a 32nd Year to the Teacher Salary Schedule 2018-19
8.J.4. Discussion with Possible Action on Approving the New Teacher Recruitment Bonus and the Teacher Retention Bonus
9. Adjournment