Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call, Moment of Silence, Flag Salute
1.A. Election of Officers
2. Approval of Minutes: Approval of minutes of the Regular Board of Education meeting of February 9, 2015
3. Recognition of Guests:
3.A. Academy & Mrs. Schreiner
3.B. Open Forum
3.C. Others
4. Consent Agenda:
4.A. Fund Raisers
4.A.1. HS Basketball/Mr. Chapman & Mr. Cox
4.A.2. HS Golf/Mr. McKinnon & Mr. Hough
4.A.3. HS Dance/Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Yell
4.A.4. HS History/Mr. Quebedeaux
5. Approval of Encumbrances: Approval of Encumbrances No. 1034-1134 in the amount of $90,202.98 from the 2014-15 General Fund; Encumbrances No. - in the amount of $-- from the 2014-15 Building Fund; Encumbrance No. 23 in the amount of $4,164.89 from the 2014-15 Child Nutrition Fund
6. Superintendent's Report:
6.A. Financial
6.A.1. Monetary Funds Report
6.A.2. Investment Report
6.A.3. Activity Funds Report
6.B. General Information
6.B.1. None
6.B.2. Curriculum Issues
6.B.3. Federal Programs and Operations
6.B.4. Other
7. Unfinished Business
7.A. None
8. Current Business
8.A. None
8.B. Proposed Executive Sessions (25 O.S. Sec. 307 (B) (1))
8.B.1. Executive Session to Discuss Resignations, Hiring of Certified and Non-Certified Personnel, Student Related Actions, Student Hearings, and other Personnel Actions, Attorney-Client Information and Consultation, and/or Security and Acts of Terrorism for the 2014-15 School Years.
8.B.2. Vote to Return to Open Session and Statement of Purpose of Executive Session and those Present
8.C. Vote to Approve the Hiring of Certified and Non-Certified Personnel and Resignations:
8.C.1. Hiring for School Year 2014-2015
8.C.1.1. Julianne Cross/NP Special Ed (Temporary Contract)
8.C.1.2. Krista Margrave/JH Special Ed Teacher (Temporary Contract)
8.C.2. School Year FY15/16
8.C.2.1. Linda Roberts/KG (Pending Certification)
8.C.2.2. Nancy Givens/2nd Grade Prairie (Pending Certification)
8.C.3. Resignations
8.C.3.1. Cecil Midgett/HS Computers (5-22-15)
8.C.3.2. Robert Blasi/HS Shop Teacher (2-19-15)
8.C.3.3. Anne Melsaether/JH Social Studies (5-22-15)
8.C.3.4. Jenea' Midgett/KG Prairie (5-22-15)
8.C.3.5. Karen Heath-NE 2nd Grade (5-22-15)
9. New Business
10. Adjournment