Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call, Moment of Silence, Flag Salute
2. Approval of Minutes: Approval of minutes of the Regular Board of Education meeting of May 12, 2008 and Special Board Meeting of May 27, 2008.
3. Recognition of Guests or Hearings:
3.A. Teacher of the Year - Audrey Lewis
3.B. Open Forum
3.C. Others
4. Consent Agenda:
4.A. Fund Raisers
4.A.1. Cross Country - Andy Brown
4.A.2. JH Cheerleaders - Chelsea Hough
4.A.3. Declare AG Education Items as Listed, Surplus
5. Approval of Encumbrances: Approval of Encumbrances No. 1716-1807 in the amount of $124,713.88 from the 2007-08 General Fund; Encumbrance No. 40 from the 2007-08 Child Nutrition Fund in the amount of $2,904.00; Encumbrance No. - - from the 2007-08 Building Bond Fund in the amount of - - - -.
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Financial
6.A.1. Monetary Funds Report
6.A.2. Investment Report
6.A.3. Activity Funds Report
6.B. General Information
6.B.1. JH Roof and Academy "B" Remodeling, JH HVAC System
6.B.2. School Fleet
6.B.3. Curriculum Issues
6.B.4. Federal Programs and Operations
6.B.5. Other
7. Unfinished Business
7.A. None
8. Current Business
8.A. Approval of Precision Testing Laboratories for Asbestos Operation and Maintenance.
8.B. Approval of Alcohol and Drug Testing Inc. for Bus Drivers Drug Testing.
8.C. Discussion and Possible Action on New Substitute Pay for FY '09
8.D. Discussion and Possible Action on Purchasing a Portable Building Through Buyboard
8.E. Proposed Executive Sessions (25 O.S. Sec. 307 (B) (1))
8.E.1. Executive Session to Discuss Resignations, Hiring of Certified and Non-Certified Personnel, Student Related Actions, Student Hearings, and other Personnel Actions, Attorney-Client Information and Consultation, and/or Security and Acts of Terrorism for the 2007-2008 & 2008-09 School Years.
8.E.2. Vote to Return to Open Session and Statement of Purpose of Executive Session and Those Present
8.F. Vote to Approve the Hiring of Certified and Non-Certified Personnel and Resignations
8.F.1. Hiring for School Year 2008-2009
8.F.1.1. Vickie McKinnon - HS Counselor
8.F.1.2. Tenise Orr - H Long Kindergarten
8.F.1.3. Kelly Reid - Academy 2nd Grade
8.F.1.4. Kara Hays - JH Geography and Coaching
8.F.1.5. Esmeralda Thurman - Academy 4th Grade
8.F.1.6. Elizabeth Washburn - JH Counselor
8.F.1.7. Amelia Guthrie - JH Teachers Aide
8.F.1.8. Amy Armstrong - Carrier Teachers Aide
8.F.1.9. Erick Nelson - Maintenance
8.F.1.10. Cheri Carpenter - Carrier Custodian
8.F.2. Resignations
8.F.2.1. Joyce Field - NP Teacher (Retiring)
8.F.2.2. John Tuttle - JH Science (Retiring)
8.F.2.3. Philip Collins - Academy Teacher
9. New Business
10. Adjournment